What have i done?

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The watch tower 6:00am- present

Diana's POV:
I woke up this morning to the sound of Hal's alarm clock; the loudest alarm clock in the watch tower. I was hoping to sleep in today but I knew Bruce would've been disappointed if I did so I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower without washing my hair and put on a short sleeved white t-shirt and denim shorts. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and headed to the monitors.

Clark's POV: I woke up at 5:30am and headed down stairs to see we had an alert saying the bank was being robbed. I quickly and sleepily got into my superman outfit and flew to the bank. When I got there i saw it was Lex Luthor and a group of his workers robbing the bank. I hit, punched and kicked all of them until they were knocked out and took Lex back to his home. By then it was 5:55am so I checked on Diana who was still sleeping. She's so beautiful when she's sleeping, I wish she knew how much I loved her.

Diana's POV: once I was downstairs I saw Clark and he said to me "Good morning princess, how are you", "good" I responded back looking into his deep blue eyes. "Come on let's go get some breakfast" Clark said, "sounds good" I reply back. Once downstairs we see Bruce making pancakes! He didn't say anything to us, he might not have been in a good mood.

Bruce's POV: I woke up early this morning and made breakfast for the league. It's a sad day for me because on this day years ago my parents past but I can't show the league my sadness, I'm Batman, I'm never sad.

Clark's POV: I heard Barry running down stairs going straight for the pancakes. I had a seat right next to Diana and gave her a hug. "Umm.... What was that for?" She asked confused, "I.....I....Umm...... Was.. Uh.. Checking you..Your heart rate... Um yeah" " okay then" she said weirdly. OMG I actually hugged her ahhhhh! Best feeling in the world but such a lame excuse, I thought to myself. Barry ran over to the table and started eating pancakes. I got up and went to grab mine and Diana's.

Diana's POV: Barry came down stairs to get his pancakes while me and Clark sat down then he hugged me. I had no idea why he did but I blurted out " umm.... What was that for?". Ugh why did I do that, now he probably thinks I'm not interested in him. I thought to myself wanting to slap myself so hard. After breakfast I went to my room and started crying about the situation because I love him so much and now I'll have no chance with him.

Clark's POV: I heard someone crying upstairs and looked in my and Diana's room and saw her crying. I went into shock for a few moments before walking in and seeing what was up. I Entered our room and sat on my bed. "What's wrong Diana, is it something that happened in Themyscira?" I asked. " ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" she yelled at me. I started crying too, why would she yell like this at me? I hid under my bed and I heard Diana gasp. "OMG I'm soooo sorry" she cried. I stayed silent while she continued crying....

Hey guys this is my first chapter of the book I'm making which is exiting!

Word count: 600 words!

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