Chapter Twenty: Nothing I'll Never Need...

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Liam’s POV

It’s been 2 months—2 months without smiles, 2 months without laughs, 2 months without love.

2 months without Alia.


She lost her memory 6 months ago, and she thought it would be easier if we went our separate ways 2 months ago. I wake up every day wondering how she is doing, if she’s safe, if she will ever remember. All this guilt is building inside of me, this is all my fault—if I had just taken her back the first time. I guess her leaving me was payback.

* Flashback *


Alia looks really sad, “Hey, uh—Liam, can we go for a walk?”


I raise my eyebrow in confusion, “Alia it’s about to be a storm outside, are you okay babe?”


She nods, “Yeah, I just want to talk to you about something—but I can’t do that here with Eileen and Sean listening in.”


“Do you want to take an umbrella?” I ask, but she just shakes her head, takes my hand and heads out the door.


We stop at the park and she turns to me, “Liam, this is all still confusing to me. I know any girl would leap at the chance if Liam Payne was at the side of their hospital bed claiming he was her boyfriend. But I have been broken so many times; it’s just hard to comprehend.”


I grab her hand, “Alia, I told you I’m here for you…”


She jerks it away and shakes her head, “You don’t understand Liam, I am a burden to you! I see the way you look at me and I wish I could do the same with you—but I just can’t, I haven’t had a relevant dream in a whole month…”


“Alia, you are not a burden.”


Tears roll down her beautiful cheeks, “I am and I want to stop being a burden, so I’m telling you to move on from me. Liam, apparently we had kinks in our relationship anyway, so you can leave no without worrying about me hurting, because I’m not—but seeing you worried about me hurts…”


I shake my head, “Alia no.”


The thunder crackles, and the blue sky turns grey. She stands up and steps back as the rain drops start, “Liam, I want to love you I do but I can’t…”


“Don’t do this, I lost you twice already.”


She sighs, “Liam I want you to be happy, please move on—please for me.”


“But I can’t Alia, I love you so much, you’re everything I always wanted…”


She smiles sadly with more tears rolling down her cheeks mixing in with the rain, she walks up to me kisses my cheek and backs away, “But I’m nothing you’ll ever need…”

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