Chapter 10

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~Max pov~
"Good night Max" was that last thing I hear before he fell back asleep.
-----TIME SKIP-----
Ross has been in a coma for 3 days now, I've never left the hospital, not even to eat or sleep. I've just been eating vending machine snacks and jello.
-----TIME SKIP-----
Today they moved him into a new room to the part of the hospital where they wait for the patients to wake up from their coma. I, of course followed.
They've tried to send me home, I refused until they went away. I wasn't going to leave his side.
-----TIME SKIP-----
(Too frequent?)
It's been two weeks and Ross still hasn't woken up.
I'll never leave my narwhal's side.
I've lost 10 pounds from not eating properly.
Some of the nurses are really sweet and bring me McDonald's or Arby's.
He looks awful, he's so pale and and lifeless. All of my friends have tried to get me to go home and have a proper sleep, but I refuse to leave his side. When he wakes up, I'm not going to miss it. I wouldn't for the world.
-----woops TIME SKIP-----
After 3 weeks I was about to go sit in my chair to sleep for the night when I see Ross shift and open his eyes.
"Ross OMG I though you weren't going to wake up!" I don't care if it's the middle of the night and I'm screaming.
My narwhal is alive.
"I'm starving" he said.
"Once I tell the doctors you're awake, they'll probably run tests and then we'll go get some food.
As I suspected they ran tests and he got to go home a few hours later.
It was 3am but I didn't really care.
I got my narwhal back.
We go to Buffalo Wild Wings and eat, we almost didn't get in.
Words: 308
Breaks: none
Music: Twenty One Pilots
(I wrote 9 and 10 in the same day, back to back....I'm tired goodnight)

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