Chapter 14

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~Ross pov~
After a couple of hours crying, Max woke up.
"Max!" I say jumping up and hugging him.
"W-who are you?" He asked. I let go of the hug.
"What do you mean?" I'm so confused.
"I have no idea who you are"
"I-im Ross, your best friend"
"I'm sorry but I have no idea who you are"
"Oh" I say as a nurse walks in.
"Oh good, you're up" she said in a cheery tone.
"Yea, can you please tell me why this man is in here?" He asked.
"Oh, um, he's your room mate, he's going to take you home once we run a few tests" she continued, "Um sir, I think he has amnesia"
My heart dropped.
I woke up, passed out from the rush over here. I rose my head and saw Max there, awake.
"Max" I said jumping up and engulfing him into a hug, hoping this isn't anything like the dream.
"Hey Ross" he said, my heart sped up.
"I'm so glad you're awake" I said.
"Me too" he said as the nurse walked in.
"Oh good, you're up" she said, "Mr.Washington can I see you in the hall for a moment?"
"Uh, sure" I say following her.
Once I close the door she began talking,
"I'm sorry to say, but he's paralyzed from the waist down"
"Oh my gosh" I cover my mouth in shock, tears start to form.
"Let's go back inside and we'll run some tests and let you get outta here" she said kindly, "I'll go grab a wheelchair for him while they're doing testing"
I walk back in his room and see him laying there not being able to move while the doctor works on him.
"How ya holding up max?" I ask.
"Um, great, I guess" he said.
"I'll be here for you" I said trying to confort him.
They got done with testing and sent us home. As we're driving down the street I ask Max,
"Do you want anything to eat?"
"Max and cheese"
"How did I know you were going to say that?"
"You just know me too well" he said.
After we got in the parking lot to the apartment I struggled to get Max into his wheelchair. And then comes the hard part, stairs.
That was a challenge without a wheelchair. I turned Max around to face the parking lot and went backwards up the stairs, that seemed like the best way. This is going to be a workout.
I finally get him up the stairs and in the door.
"Thank you" he said startling me.
"No problem" I said out of breath.
I fix us Max and cheese and sit down on the couch. I look up at Max, he looked a little down.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Nothing" he says quickly.
"Somethings wrong Max, what is it?"
"Ross, I'm fine, I just need some rest" he wheeled off to his room and shut his door. I wasn't going to disturb him so I went to my own room and took a nap.
Words: 514
Breaks: none
Music: none

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