Chapter 11

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(This is long so buckle in your seat belts.)
~Max pov~
When we go to the resturant, there were barley any people there, considering they were about to close in thirty minutes. Luckily, when I explained what happened with Ross they let us sit down and order.
-----TIME SKIP-----
~Ross pov~
Once our car ride home I started to think.
I didn't know how long I was in a coma for, and Max wouldn't tell me.
"You'll feel bad if I told you" he said. But apparently he stayed there the whole time. Max was there for me, but I could never tell home what I saw.
Once we got home we sat on the couch and watched some anime. Man, did I miss anime.
All of a sudden I look over to Max, he's staring at me, but his eyes didn't move when I waved my hand in front of his face.
He's off in space.
"Max" I try to get his attention. Didn't work.
"Max" I yell louder. He doesn't budge.
"Max" I shook his shoulders. No help.
"MAX" I yell at the top of my lungs. Finally, he returns to earth.
"Oh, sorry" he said. "I fell asleep"
"With your eyes open?" I asked.
"Yea, I haven't gotten proper sleep in ages" he said. "I think I'll go to bed" he starts to walk off.
"Goodnight Max" I say. He stops, and starts to cry.
"Max?" I say. He turns around, tears streaming down his face.
"What's wrong?" I ask. He told me,
"That's the last thing you said to me before you went in to your coma." He said.
"I'm sorry Max" I get up and hug him.
"Don't be, you're here now" he said.
"Can you ask you one thing?" I ask.
"Go for it" he said.
"What did you do for the whole time I was there?" We sit back down on the couch and he tells me how he sat right next to my bed and never left.
"How long was I out for?" I ask, hoping to get an answer.
"Long enough" he said.
"Max, go to be-" before I could get it out I hear quiet snoring and felt his head hit my lap softly.
Since he was a light sleeper I didn't move. I could tell he had been through a hard time while I was out. So I continued to watch anime.
~Max pov~
I woke up the next morning to Ross watching the same anime I fell asleep to.
"Ross, did you sleep at all?" I ask startling him.
"No, I wasn't tired" he says. "Although I am getting tired now"
"No, you cant, that will mess up your sleeping schedule" I say. "Let's go get some coffee then"
We get ready and went to Starbucks. We ordered our drinks and sat down.
We started to talk about random stuff when, one of the employees came out and gave us our drinks. I remember who he is.
"Here you g-" he stops. "Hey I remember you" he said looking at me.
"Hey" I said awkwardly.
"I brought you food because you wouldn't leave this guy's side for 3 weeks" he pointed to Ross.
"I wasn't going to tell him how long he was out for." I say looking down.
"YOU STAYED BY MY SIDE FOR 3 WEEKS, ARE YOU NUTS!" Ross yelled at the top of his lungs, drawing attention.
"Yea" I said as the employee left.
"Why?" He asked calming down now.
"I wanted to be there when you woke up" I said.
"Max, you should've gone home." He said.
"No" I say sternly. He quits talking and sips his drink.
"I'm sorry" I continue, "I just wanted to be there for you"
"I'm sorry for yelling, I know you hate it" he apologized.
"You're fine, let's just get outta here" I say and get up and go to the car. We make our way to the park. I know this is a bad idea, considering what happened three weeks ago. But I want him to have good memories here.
Suddenly realizing where we are he turns and says,
"Why are we here?"
"I want you to have good memories here, not bad ones" I say.
~Ross pov~
I was mad with Max for taking me to The Spot.
"All I have is horrible memories Max, not good" I say, furious.
"I'm sorry but I want this spot to be peaceful for you" he says.
"Why would you do this?" I ask sternly.
"I just told you" he said. "If you don't like it, please, just sit down and we won't talk. It will be peaceful" he finished.
"Okay" I calm down.
We just sat there and I started to think.
I need to tell him.
He deserves to know.
So I get the courage to tell him.
"Hey Max" I say getting his attention. "I need to tell you something.
Words: 828
Breaks: none
Music: none

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