That Girl...

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Dick's POV
I groaned as I felt my body is on fire, yet I'm shivering. I mean, how the hell does that work?? What happened last night? I remember taking those robbers down, then nothing.

Wait, that voice!! The bastard punched me!

I tried to open my eyes. It's hard, but at least manageable. I looked around and saw my chest tightly wrapped in an ace bandage. I felt something on my head an tried to reach up to it. I don't know why it's so hard to make my hand move. When I  finally reached up to my forehead, I felt something wet. 

I sighed as I realized it was a washcloth. I saw a thermometer on my study desk. Then I saw a note pinned on the wall. I tried to sit to look at it better.

I groaned at how my body ached all over. When I finally sat up straight, I realized that I still had my Nightwing pants on. I was silently thankful that the person, whoever they were, wasn't dirty-minded. I looked at the note and read it.

'Don't try anything stupid. I'll check again tonight.
P.s. 'Stupid' includes going to college and patrolling.'

It read.

College!! Dang, what time is it? I looked at the digital clock on my desk. 7:43 AM.

Shit!! College starts at eight!! Which means 17 minutes to get ready!! Who cares about what the dumb note said.

3rd Person POV
So he slung his feet on the side of the bed and stood up (or tried to). As soon as he did, his vision swam and a feeling of nausea hit him. He had to hold on to the wall to stay standing. He tried to wave it off and walked/limped/stumbled to the bathroom.

Time Skip

He got into class just as the bell rang, signing the beginning of the first semester for the newbies. He looked around at his classmates and tried to take in as much information his mind can gather in the short span of time. There were 20 people in the class including him. The teacher hasn't came yet. There were 11 boys and 9 girls. 6 people wears glasses and 3 girls had ponytails.

3 of the girls are brunettes, 3 are blond, one has raven hair, and one is redheaded. The boys, well, three seemed like the flirty type. A bit like Wally if you'd ask me. Another three looked like nerds. A guy was wearing headphones and hoodie an was playing his iPhone. I'll bet he's a techno-geek. Pretty much like him though. But he's a mixture. One guy was big and muscular. He might be a bully, so, better watch out. Two other guys looked like they're best friends and popular too. Maybe the sports team captains, he thought.

Dick's POV
Everything seemed normal, and nothing looks out of place. Just one thing that's bugging me. The raven haired girl who has under-the-shoulder length hair wore a navy blue bracelet, which, if you don't look at specifically, you won't notice that it's actually not a normal bracelet. It has a tiny, button like thing that looked like it could be pushed and something will happen.

The girl seemed to notice my stare and moved to the empty seat next to me.

3rd Person POV
She sat down and smiled towards Dick. She smiled and said, "I noticed you took interest at my bracelet."

He gulped, "Y-yeah. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to stare. I know it's rude."

"Oh, I don't mind. See, it actually has something special to it. Tell you what, I'll just show it to you."

She pushed the tiny, light blue button and a holo screen was projected on top of it with a holo keyboard on the side. He gaped as she started to type something on the keyboard.

"The teacher will be here in 10 minutes more or less." She said.
"How did you know?" He asked.
"I hacked the school security cameras. I came first this morning and I had a lot o time before I figured that everyone will come, so when I got bored, I hacked it. Impressed Grayson?" She smirked.

He blinked once... twice.... Then, "How on earth did you know my name?"

"*sigh* Did you really think I'll ever forget your face? Even though you've gotten bigger, you still have those cerulean blue eyes there you know. Please don't tell me you've forgotten me? I still have that scar I got from sparring with you."

"Joanne? Is that you?"
"Jo is fine. And yes, it's me. Good to know you still remember."
"Of course! How could I forget YOU?"
"I don't know, maybe you had an amnesia, you forgot my face, I still have a lot more possible answers for that question. Do you want to hear them all?"
"That was a rhetorical question." He deadpanned.
"Oh, whoops."
"Anyway, how's your dad?"

Immediately, her face saddened.
"Dad passed away three years ago. I became the successor of his company. I'm CEO of Grey Tech now."

His eyes grew wide.
"You're CEO? And you're like what, 17.."
"15 years old now? What are you even doing in here?"
"I skipped 2 grades in middle school and another grade in highschool. Kinda sucks being the smallest one."
"How do you manage a company, a whole fricking company, a successful one at that, and still go to college?"
"I have my ways."

Just then, the teacher entered the classroom so she switched her bracelet computer off and looked forward. She passed him a note saying, "I call it a Bracelex. It's not for sale yet. We'll talk again at break time."

He smiled and payed attention to the teacher as she started. He tried to at least. But his fever wasn't helping as just then he realized that he was taking everything he's got just to stay conscious.

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