Break Time... (Sick Little Bird)

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3rd Person POV
He was ready to pass out when the bell rang, signaling the end of first period and the start of break time. He sighed heavily.

He tried to stand up, and just as he did, his knees buckled and he collapsed. A pair of hands caught him just in time before he hit the floor. He looked up to see Jo standing there holding him.

He smiled and said, "Thanks. I'm not feeling so good today."

She frowned and touched his forehead.
"You shouldn't even be at the campus today. Hell Grayson, how'd you even get out of bed today?"

"Let's just say I'm used to it."
"Whatever. I'm getting you home."
"Wha.. Now?"
"Yes, now."
"But I brought my bike today."
"We'll take my car."
"You have a car?"
"Hello... CEO remember?"
"Oh yeah. You're allowed to drive?"
"But you're sixteen."
"It doesn't really matter does it? It's Blüdhaven. Now, let's go. Can you stand?"
"I don't know."

She sighed, took a deep breath, and pulled him up. She slung his arm over her shoulder and put her other hand by his waist. He let out a moan and a mumbled 'ow' since his ribs are still cracked.

"Sorry." She said.
"S'allright." He slurred, already half-conscious.

He leaned in to her more so she was handling almost his whole weight and directed him the whole way to the parking lot where her car is. They made their way to a sparkling blue Ferrari 488 spider. She strapped him in before walking to the driver's side of the car. She got in the car and started to drive.

"Where's your apartment?" She asked.
He typed in an address into the GPS and they arrived there in a few minutes. Then she got out of the car and helped him up again. They hobbled step-by-step to his room.

When they got there, she told him to change his clothes and lay in bed. So he went to his room and put on a loose black t-shirt with basketball shorts. By the time he got on the bed, his body was shivering and he was sweating buckets. I mean, how the hell does the that work!!?

She covered him with his bedcovers and propped up his head on his stacked up pillows as he went on a coughing fit. He stopped when he was out of energy and he slumped on his bed. She found a thermometer by his bed. She slipped it in his mouth and the numbers showed 103. She touched his forehead and he moaned while unconsciously leaning into the cold touch. She removed the thermometer from his mouth and left the room in search for something to cool his fever down. She found a wet washcloth and a bowl full of water that looked like it had been used earlier so she dipped the cloth in the water and put it on his forehead.

By this time, he was unconscious and his skin was dry. His breathing was shallow and quick and his eyes were moving under their lids so she assumed he was having either dreams or nightmares. She chuckled slightly at the irony, because it was a NIGHTMARE who's actually taking care of him.

But of course he didn't know that.

"*sigh*, What did I tell you about NOT doing anything stupid Dickie? Your fever was high enough last night." She said to the unconscious person in front of her.

She found his motorcycle keys in his used jeans' pockets and called her chauffeur to pick her up there and take her to the campus. From there she drove his bike back to Dickie-bird's apartment.

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