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Its been about 3 weeks since he took me idk why but I dont like it here he beats me and im starving its freezing ing this warehouse my body aches and im scared. not for me but for the baby this cant be good for the baby I just hope liams looking for me I no he is oh my poor liam how I wish I could just hear his voice just let him no tht im still alive. then it hit me I remember he threw off my jacket thinking tht my phone was in there when rlly its been in my jeans I just dident remember it until now. how stupid could I have been idk why I dident think of it til now. he was talking to some of his buddies clear on the other side of the ware house I went into my room yeah ik what ur thinking I have a room and im hostage tht dosent make sence. well its simple its more of my beating area I quietly went in there and into the bathroom which was actualy just a room with a toliet it was quite dirty but it was better than nothing I locked the door and took my phone out praying I got a signal. I did 4 bars wow good cell sevice now im rlly regretting not thinking of doing this earlier.

it had about 50 percent battery suprisingly enough I mustve turned it off somehow lucky me im smart I thought and smiled at my lock screen it was of me and liam doing our monksy faces. I typed in my password and clicked on liams name it was ringing after 5 rings he finally picked up"hello" liam said and I could tell hes been crying"liam" I replied."danielle baby is tht you r u okay ur alive where r u ive been searching for u" he said frantically and I chucked" okay liam listion to me im in a ware house idk where its at but I bet u could track where this call came from im okay he dosent feed me well and he beats me im rlly scared but not for me but for the baby mostly. and I dont like it here liam please come and get me" I told him practicaly in tears"shhhhh danibear calm down me and niall r on our way to the station right now hang tight I should be there later today. just hang on babe a little longer I miss and love u and were gonna get u to a hospital okay" he reassured me"okay liam love and miss u too but I have togo hell think I exscaped I wish I had" I replied."hang in there dani ill see u later today ipromis you tht" he said and we said our goodbyes and I love yous. I turned my phone back off and stuck it back where it was I went an sat down in my time out area.

the door burst open"just had to male sure your in here and tht u dident leave now I believe tht its 2 pm time for your hourly beating" john said and came over yanked me up and slapped me hard. I cried and he hit me a few more times and kicked me in the shins which rlly hurt after tht he was done and left me there I had bruises and was bleeding in some areas but nothing too severe. I had missed liam so much it was sweet bliss too here he voice I could tell tht I had made his month probably I was just praying tht hed get here soon I decided to sleep or to try too so I layed down. I mustve succeeded because I woke up when I saw flashing lights and load noises he was hear somewhere there was my husband and my best friends. "we have the area surronded surrender now and we wont have to kill you" a cop said thru a megaphone. I quietly went out and hid behind a table in the main area just then the main front door burst open"I DONT CARE WHO U R OR WHAT YOUR FUCKING NAME IS I CARE ABOUT WHAT U DID TO ME WIFE SO TELL ME WHERE SHE IS OR ELSE ILL LET KILL YOU" liam yelled. I came out "LIAM" I yelled in tears and running he dropped the guy when he saw me and started running towards me within seconds he held me. I was safe hed come for me he kept his promise I was in his arms and we mustve stayed like this forever it felt like we were the only 2 people in here whne your reunited with the person u love its the best feeling.

he pulled away and kissed me for a long time at least five minutes"im so glad your safe and alive but look at what he did too you im sorry well go to the hospital thou okay love but your safe now im so sorry I wish I couldve saved u tht day or else he woudentve done this too you" liam said."liam dont be sorry none of this was your fault but you saved me okay you did and im so glad too see you its been hell I no what it feels like to be taken now" I said.he held me close and protectvly while we walked up to the cops who were arresting john which was a good thing he deserved to be there hes a terrible person I just hope the babys okay. since I could walk we went to his car" I hope the babys okay I mean he did punch my stomach a lot and dident feed us right it was aweful liam every hour hed beat me and I eithier was tied up on a chair or was put in my time out area. I dident sleep good at all I couldent I would lay awake thinking of you and memories then hed come in and tell me tht u werent looking for me and tht ud never come for me tht ud leave me there to die" I said thru tears. he stopped driving pulled into an empty lot"danielle I went thru hell these past few weeks every day id call the cops ever since he took you wed be looking I couldent sleep much eithier because I was worried about what hed done to ypu or what he could do to you. I hated it and I wouldve never stopped looking until I found you because i only have one soulmate and thts you danibear I wanna kill him for what he did to you because althou u may be fine your still hurt. liam said and I relaxed he opened his arms for me and I went into them he buckled us both up in the drivers seat it probably wasent legal but hey he can pay the ticket price. I felt safe with liam I kissed his chest and he smiled down at me.

once we arrived at the hosptial he checked me in and got a room within a few minutes the doctor came in "Danielle nice to see you liam filled md in on whats going on were gonna get you an ultra sound right away" he said and put the stuff on me. liam squeezed my hand while we watched the screen" as you can see the foot and the hand thiere your baby apears to be fine and id just wash those bruises well and bandage them up good. my poiint is danielle u and your baby r healthy and alive I trust you tht your in good hands"he said and I was relieved and happy my baby was fine im okay im back with liam now I wanted to see the others. id miss my friends so dearly and I was all bandaged up but I was quite tired"liam I just wanna sleep tonight with you holding me amd singing me to sleep. and you wispering in my ear to sleep well I just wanna go to bed when we get home" I told him and we started driving"okay danielle we can sleep when we get home " he replied. it took us an hour to drive home I mustve fallen asleep on the way home because I felt liam lift me up and change my clothes amd lay me back down on the bed. I felt liam put his arms around me"goodnight dani im so glad your back home I love you and sleep well please" he said and for the first time in 3 weeks I slept with a smile on my face and peaceful.

the next morning I woke up in my own bed in my own flat it wasent a dream I rlly was back home liam did rescue me my baby was healthy everything was fine. idk where liam was he mustve gotten up before me I looked at the time wow noon I slept in late I heard the door open and in walked liam"hey dani your awake" he said. liam came and layed on me he kissed me good morning for a few minutes and then rested his head on my chest and we stayed like this."liam what are we doing today" I asked him"well the lads have planned a welcome home party for you but thts not til 5 this eveing umm I dont rlly no we could go shopping for baby things or maternity clothes. or we could just do whatever you want to do" he said" shopping sounds nice why dont we do tht today liam" I replied and he left me to go get ready.

my first puplic outing in weeks I tugged on liams arm while we stepped out of our building the paps were houding us at every angle this probably wasent good for the baby. "liam danielle why havent we seen you out lately liam over here danielle is the baby dead did u kill it liam how did it feel not having danielle for 3 weeks." those were the quiestions we got asked bye the paps I could see the car from here liam had a firm grasp on my waist one we finally made it to the car my head hurt. that night when I went to bed they started I had the first of many nightmares I was in the warehouse again but beaten badder he came in with a body."look who we found here trying to save his wife well hes dead" NO NO NO" he then pulled out his gun hit me a few times I started to bleed in my stomach id had a miscarriage. "baby wake up dani your screaming" I awoke with a rush my heart was pounding I looked over and saw liam I felt my baby bump and some tears"danielle go to sleep your safe hes not gonna hurt u lay down with me babe" liam said. I relaxed and he layed us down he put his arms around me "liam please dont move at least not for awhile I feel safe now with u" I told him"okay danielle ill stay like this for as long as I possibly can now sleep baby sleep" he replied. I closed my eyes once more

how did u like tht chapter preatty good I hope I was gonna make thier baby not survive but then decided tht all the couples should have a happy ending but poor daniellle thou. I realized tht I never did do liam and danielles wedding chapter which wouldve been entierly told in danielles pov so I just decided to make up for it and have this one be all hers anyways have u guys heard diana it makes me cry all the time its been on reply all day. within the next couple chapters I might make niall get a girlfriemd poor guy so lonely but I think tht I might lay off of harry and caitie for a few chapters but idk anyways I love u all if u read vote fan comment whatever u want a heavly appriciate it and thank you all verry much.

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