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"thats what makes you beautiful" I sung finishing the song ive just set darcy down for a nap such a precious baby girl id do everything for her the love you have for your child is a love like no other. I just hope no I want her to be better than I was butt ive doomed all my kids there gonna be famous even when one direction isent well still be remembered and talked about by our fans when there older. I doomed caitie as well she will never get her normal life back but I think shes happy about that you see caitie grew up being the other child watching her brother get everything and anything he wanted she was tossed aside. Sure her parents loved her but it wasent til she was 14 when her dad started to pay attention to her and actually cared for her but even today her brother is still the favorite child. When I found out how rough her life was and everything she had to go throu her depression her bulimia everything I made it my mission still is my mission to make her feel loved and special I wanted to show her that there is at least one person on this earth who would do anything for her.

My thoughts drifted away as I heard the front door open and I was downstaires in the game room caities been gone all day shes been out with perrie shopping and who knows what."Harry u down there" I heard her call from the staires"yeah im coming" I said as I jogged up the staires ive missed my caitie when I saw her I smiled and pulled her into me I hugged her ever so tightly. I kissed her for a little while til she said she wanted to go have a shower"okay have fun ill miss you" I say as shes going upstaires this time weve already got darcys halloween costume I cant believe halloweens in 2 days. Were gonna be taking all the kids out for trick or treating darcys gonna be a princess brad an angel lily a tea cup and makala a cheerleader I dont what me and caitie will dress up as this year. I know that louis and eleanor are going as twiddle dee and twiddle dumb liam and danielle are going as batman and batgirl zayn and perrie are going to be bonnie and clyde maybe me and caitie could go as milk and cookies. it should be a fun and interisting halloween this time around and since we all have kids and were home were holding our party on the 30th.

Caitie came back downstaires but not before she checked on darcy I literly cannot believe still that im going to be a daddy again im so excited im hoping for a boy but if we had another girl id be okay with that too. Darcy seems happy about it but she is on a toddler so she probably dosent get it but we keep telling her that shes going to be a big sister and she just claps and screams while saying yay. I really do love bieng a father I love waking up at 2 am to comfort her I love feeding her sitting down and playing with her giving her a bath changing her diaper I love it all really I do I wont ever let anybody hurt darcy im going to be quite protective with her. I wont even be able to beat up her future boyfriends cause shell hate me but let me tell you this I will threaten all of them it reassures me that i created someone so precious and small and adorable oh god darcys just the cutest my phones loaded with pics of her and of just our family.


My mum wanted brad for the weekand so she came and got him itll be nice"hi wifey" liam said coming into the room and smiling"hi so what are we gonna do today" I asked him"I don't know we can figure that out later but how bout breakfast" he said and kissed my cheek." I'd love that can we also get donuts thou" I said happily"already got them" he replied liam never ceses to amaze me"aww how'd you know liam" I spoke softly" because I know everything about you and I love you more than anything else" liam told me. I kisssed him for a few minutes and then we went off to breakfast" sophias been trying to get ahold of me calling me texting me I keep telling her that I dont want to see her or talk to her and that I want her to leave me alone. She just wont listion danielle its getting frustrating" he said sounding geniunly annoyed and irritated I went and sat on his lap"liam you can always get a restraining order on her" I said and he laughed"i love you danielle" he says"love you to liam" I replied.

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