Chapter One

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"Ryoma, withdraw your troops." Corrin commanded, her sword drawn.
"What are you saying?" The brown haired prince of Hoshido asked.
Corrin remained silent, her will staying strong even though her heart was breaking.

"Don't tell me you're siding with that Nohrian dog!" He pleaded, though he looked very unhappy.
"My mind is made up." Corrin stated.

The rest of the conversation blurred as Ryoma drew his sword and struck at Corrin.
Then Xander jumped into help her, taking the blow for her.
"Betrayal!" Ryoma yelled, his face twisted into rage.

Was this really the right path to choose? Corrin thought, her mind still a mess.
Was betraying her family really worth this war? Wait, they were both her family, right?
"Take it easy." She whispered to herself.

She knew the truth, Nohr wasn't her true home and the Nohrian royal siblings weren't her real family. But she was raised with them, they were the only family she knew.

A battle was fought there on the Hoshidan border where the Nohrian soldiers escaped. The Hoshidans' fell back for the time being.


Corrin rode on the back of Xander's horse. They bounced up and down, Corrin held onto Xander to help keep her balance.
"I'm glad you're back, dear sister." He said, finally breaking the silence.
"Me too." She agreed, resting her forehead against his back.

"You had us worried!" Elise piped up from beside them, riding her own horse.
"You mustn't ever do that again!" Camilla chimed in, a pout in her voice.
Corrin looked back to her older sister, even though she knew they weren't related, she still called her as such.
Camilla was riding her wyvern near the back of the group. It was only Leo who remained silent.

The ride back to Castle Krakenberg took about most of the day, by the time they got there it was already dark outside.
It was always dark in Nohr. It's like the sun didn't want to shine on a land so corrupted.

Corrin hopped off Xander's steed, smoothing out the ruffles in her cape and armour.
"We must report to Father." Xander stated, pulling his horse on foot through the gate and across the bridge.

Corrin watched Xander walk, leading his horse to the stables. The others followed and did the same.
Afterwards, the others walked ahead of her and Xander through the castle. It was a long way down so Corrin wanted to fill the silence.

"I'm sorry for being so much trouble." She confessed, a blush spreading across her face. Xander stopped walking and looked back at her.
"Trouble? You are no trouble at all, sister." He reassured.
"You guys didn't have to come all that way just to get me." She said, looking down at the floor at her bare feet which were caked in dirt.

"We didn't have to, no." Xander said and her heart fell. "But we did. We did because we love you."
Corrin looked up and smiled.
"Thank you."
Xander smirked and then motioned for her to follow the others. They walked side by side to the throne room in silence.

The huge black and golden double doors to the throne room opened as the siblings entered. On the throne sat their Father who was speaking with Iago.
"Father, we have returned." Xander announced.
Their conversation stopped as the Nohrian King Garon looked at his children. His eyes scanned each of them, resting on Corrin last.

"Corrin?" He asked.
"Yes, Father?" She asked lifting up her head.
"What are you doing here?"

The siblings gasped as Xander spoke out.
"Father, aren't you glad to see your daughter?"
"No! For all we know she could be a Hoshidan spy! They probably spent the time they had her filling her head with lies. What if they sent her back here to try and assassinate me?" King Garon growled, a scowl across his face.

Corrin looked straight into the cold dark eyes of the King,"I would never! I chose to come back on my own will!" She pleaded.
"Then tell me, Corrin. Why do you look at your siblings' so differently now?" He sneered, squinting his eyes.

The little princess looked down at her feet again.
"Because..." She started. "When I was in Hoshido I learned the truth. I know that you are not my real family. But knowing this, I still came back!" Tears formed in the young girl's eyes.

Xander's eyes turned from Corrin up to his Father.
"Please believer her! I saw her duel with the Hoshidan prince myself!" He pleaded.
The King remained silent for a moment.
"Very well. But, any sign of disloyalty and you will be executed." He stated coldly.

"Thank you, Father." Corrin said quietly said still looking at the ground.
Finally, she was released and went back to her room in the West part of the castle.
There, she collapsed into her bed and the tears flooded out.
"Was this the best choice?" She asked herself again.

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