Chapter Five

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The good thing was, Jakob gave her a few days off. She didn't know if he overheard what Leo had said, but she was grateful. Plus she was too sore to train anymore. A few days later, she was finally ready to leave her room. Dressed in a light blue cotten dress, she headed down the stairs alone and walked into the dining room.
"Good mor-" Corrin started as pushed open the large wooden double doors but was interrupted by a loud bang followed by many crashing sounds.
She looked on at the sight before her, dazed.
Xander was back but his face was twisted in rage and he had Leo by the collar of his black shirt pinned to the wooden table on his back. Many of the breakfast plates had fallen to the floor and broken.

Camilla was holding Elise back, shielding her little sister's eyes from the brawl in front of them. No one had noticed Corrin was there yet.
She watched silently as Xander raised his fist, threatening to hit Leo in the face.
"Leo, I swear if you do not go up there and apologize, I will beat you within an inch of your life!" Xander boomed. His eyes blazed with rage but Leo's just blazed with annoyance.
"Do it then, hit me!" Leo taunted. Xander just scowled down at him, the fire leaving his eyes. Slowly, he let go of Leo's collar. Leo stood up and brushed himself off, walked out of the room, and almost bumped into Corrin on his way out. 
He stopped and glanced at her quickly, looking her up and down.
"I'm... I'm sorry!" He quickly said and dashed away. The scowl never left his face.

Xander looked up quickly, just realizing she was there.
"Oh, good morning, Corrin. Sorry you had to see that." Xander apologized as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to play it off.
"What was that all about?" She asked while taking a seat. Surely Jakob hadn't told Xander of what had happened during training the other day. She glanced over at Camilla who had let go of Elise. They were seated at the table in silence their eyes downcast.
"It was just Leo being the stubborn little brother." Xander stated, sitting in the seat acrossed from her. He grinned but it didn't reach his eyes. She could tell he was lying. She didn't wanna push the matter, so she left it at that.

"When did you get back?" Corrin asked as she took a napkin from the table and placed it in her lap.
From behind her she heard footsteps. She turned and saw Flora and Felicia walk in followed by Jakob who was wheeling a cart loaded with freshly cooked food. Ham, eggs, bacon, some toast, lots of fruit, biscuits, and glasses of milk were laid out before them. Of all the people in the castle, Jakob was the best cook.

The twins set to the task of cleaning up the broken glass as Jakob finished setting the food on the table, along with cups of fresh, steaming, hot tea.
"This looks so yummy!" Elise chirped as she loaded her plate full.
Xander said his thanks to Jakob and turned his attention back to Corrin.
"Just before dawn, actually." He stated, answering her question. He chewed on some toast, not really that hungry. The earlier fight had ruined his mood.
Corrin sipped on her tea, unsure how to continue this conversation.
"How are your wounds healing?" Xander questioned. His tone of voice made it clear she wasn't going to be able to avoid answering. So that's what earlier was about.

Corrin tried not to choke on her tea as she lowered the cup from her lips.
"They're fine." She said. It wasn't really a lie, they ARE better than they were a few days earlier.
"Show me your hands." Xander commanded.
Sheepishly, she put her arms up on the table, revealing her burnt and bruised hands.
The burn marks have faded and the bruises had started to turn an ugly yellow.

"Goodness!" Camilla gasped. It was the first she had spoken since Corrin had arrived.
"Why didn't you say something when things got that bad?" Her purple haired big sister asked. She looked genuinely concerned.
"I didn't think it was that bad..." She murmured, looking down at her lap.
"That bad? Corrin, Jakob said you could barley get out of bed." Xander interjected.

Corrin looked over at Jakob who had busied himself with polishing the mantle above the fire place. From where she sat she could see the muscles in his jaw tense up as he clenched his teeth together.
"You were watching me?" She interrogated, locking cold eyes with her butler as he turned to face her.
"I was merely checking on you, which is my job." He stated plainly. Behind his eyes, Corrin saw a flash of worry.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I should've told someone..." She admitted.

"Don't let big brother Leo bully you!" Elise advised. She had finished off her whole plate and was currently sipping on a glass of milk.

"Corrin, pack your bags. We're going to be spending a lot of time in the Astral Plane." Xander stated, changing the subject.
"What for?" Corrin asked curiously, her brow furrowed.
"We'll be going back and forth between the kingdoms, taking over Hosidan strongholds and squashing rebellion wherever we find it." Xander said.

Corrin finished her breakfast quickly and rushed back upstairs, her bare feet slapping on the stone and echoing through the empty corridors. She packed quickly with the help of Flora, Jakob had not shown his face since earlier.
"I'm only helping you prepare for this war." A voice stated behind her. She turned and saw Leo standing in the doorway, his back against the frame, and his arms crossed. He looked up and locked eyes with her.
"The real world isn't going to be so forgiving. Xander is too easy on you. What makes you so special, I wonder?"

Corrin turned her eyes to the floor, not wanting to be at the end of his glare any longer. She couldn't tell him what was going on between her and Xander. As of right now, she was the outcast ever since she had returned from Hoshido. She had learned the truth of her bloodline, but this would be Xander's job to tell his siblings. Truthfully, she didn't belong here. She had betrayed her real family when she sided with Nohr and she had to live with that decision everyday.

Tears stung her eyes but she tried not to let them fall.
"I'm packed, are you?" Corrin asked, hoping her voice didn't break.

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