Chapter Six

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Okay so listen, AarinWolf5 here. I thought I was gonna write a chapter about how Corrin and the gang trained and blah blah blah but I lost motivation. I think I'm just gonna write about the uh, important parts, if ya know what I mean. Things are about to get intresting. Wink wink.

Days went by quickly in the Astral Plane. By now, Corrin had already been there four months. Xander was always coming and going, considering he was still the lead general and future crown Prince of Nohr. The fighting had gotten worse and Xander became more frusterated. Corrin had started fighting on the front lines again since Garon had finally deemed her worthy in his eyes.

Xander scoffed. How could his father not see how determined she was to end this war. His father wouldn't understand, he didn't have to watch someone he loved cry herself to sleep almost everynight.

The blonde Prince growled and brought his sword down with force upon the white, pointed ear woman.
Corrin's sword clattered to the floor and skidded a few feet away from her. Her scarlet eyes widened in fear as Xander lifted his left leg and thrust it into Corrin's stomach hard.
She was knocked off her feet from the force and landed flat on her back. Before she could regain her bearings, his foot was on her stomach again, pinning her to the ground. Siegfried flashed before her eyes and hovered just above her throat.

She exhaled hard as she felt the sweat pool on her face and neck, she looked up into Xander's eyes. They were focused and hard, his lips were pulled into a scowl. Truthfully, in that moment, she was afraid of him. Xander was truly a terrifying opponent.
"I yeild." Corrin finally said. She laid her head back on the stone ground and looked up at the sky. It was getting dark, this would conclude tonight's sparring. Her breathing was erratic, Xander had never pushed her this hard before.

Xander blinked, coming out of his daze. He looked down at Corrin, who was laying flat on the ground. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing hard. He looked down at his hand that was holding Siegfried just above her throat. He lowered it, disgusted in himself. How could he let himself get so distracted? He is too focused on this stupid war that he couldn't even realise who was in front of him. These days he didn't care who was in front of him. If you get in the way, you're gonna get cut down.

"Corrin, I... I'm sorry." Xander stammered, tossing aside his sword. He bent down and held out a hand to her. Corrin's eye's shot open and they met his in a hard glare. He could see the unshed tears in them. A pain shot through his heart at that very moment. She slapped his hand aside and got to her feet by herself.
"I'm done. Goodnight, Xander." She said curtly. She turned on her heel and stomped off, her long sliver curls bouncing.

Corrin stalked off to the hot springs to bathe and to let off some steam. After that, she dressed into a white silk robe and headed to her room. There, she sat in front of her mirror and brushed her long silk hair. After she was done, she stared at her reflection. Finally she let her tears fall. This was the first night in awhile she had cried by herself, usually Xander was here by her side, comforting her. She knew this war was taking his toll on him, but she always wanted him to be able to come home and leave the war outside these walls.

Perhaps she just wasn't good enough for him. Maybe he couldn't find that comfort in her. Corrin glanced down at the ring laying down on the stand in front of her, she didn't like wearing it when sparring. Just a few months ago, Xander had asked her to marry him. She gladly accepted, and they had a small wedding here in the Astral Plane. All the members in their party had witnessed it, but she was unsure whether or not news had reached Xander's father. He was so busy leading the war effort, he probably wouldn't have been able to make it.

Corrin shook her head angrily, not wanting to think about it anymore. Her tears had finally dried, she didn't want to start again. Mindlessly she slipped the ring back onto her finger and headed to bed. She didn't know how long she laid in bed. Eventually it began to rain and she dozed off for a little while until she heard a knock at her door.

She pulled the robe around her tighter and opened the door. Xander stood just outside the door, dressed in black pants and a white shirt that was complelty soaked from the rain. You could clearly make out the bends and curves of his stomach in the moonlight. His hair was drenched and it hung in his face.
Before Corrin could say anything, Xander sunk to his knees, his head in his hands. She was speechless.
"Xander, what's wrong?" She asked.

He looked up at her, tears in his eyes.
"This war will be the ruin of me." He confessed.
Corrin reached out and pulled him into her room by the arm, leading him over to the bed. She then grabbed a towel and draped it over his head. This is the first time she'd ever seen Xander break down like this.
"I'm so scared, Corrin. I don't want to die in this war. I couldn't bear to leave you alone in this world. I don't want to leave behind my siblings. I can't let my father have Hoshido. I don't want everything I do to be for nothing." He confessed.

He was looking everywhere else but at her.
"If I die, you'll be at Father's mercy, and I'll have no one to pass my legacy onto."

Corrin placed her hand beneath his chin and forced him to look up at her. They just stared at each other for a bit, then without warning, she climbed into his lap straddling him. Finally, Corrin broke the silence between them by planting a hard kiss on Xander's lips. At first he didn't kiss back but after a few seconds, his hands were tangled in her white curls. The kiss got harder as he took control, slipping his tongue into her mouth. Corrin was startled a moment, but regained herself and kept up with his ferocity.
Finally he pulled pack and left them both gasping for air.

"Corrin, you know we can't. There are risks-" Xander started, but was cut off by Corrin's finger to his lips. She made a shushing noise. She reached down to the robe strings and pulled them loose, letting the white robe fall from her shoulders to the floor.
Xander's face turned bright red as he turned his head, looking away from her.
"Any of us could die in this war." She said, referring back to what he had said earlier.
"Risks are a part of our lives."
Finally he turned and looked at her, the blush deepening.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked, worry and excitement danced in his eyes.

Corrin knew this was a bad idea, but it might not even matter in the future. Xander was right, anyone could be a casultie in this war, sometimes you just have to live in the present and hope everything works out. She could never regret making this decision with the man she loves.

Corrin waited until she knew for sure to tell Xander. It only took a month and a half before she could finally confirm it. Once they were alone at night, she would tell him.

She watched from the bed with her knees pulled to her chest as Xander shed his shirt as he prepared himself for bed. She was wearing a silky black night gown, but Xander usually slept in loose pajama pants.
"I've got some news for us." Corrin stated nervously.
"Funny, so do I." He said, his voice hard, his brow furrowed.
"You first."
"Well, it isn't good. Father has summoned us back to Castle Krakenburg."
He crawled into bed and laid his head on his pillow.
"We're to leave at first light. What was your news, dear?" Xander inquired.

Corrin took a deep breath and prepared herself. Saying it would make it all more real.

"Xander, we- we're going to have a baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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