Chapter Two

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Xander sat on the roof just below Corrin's window. He watched as she threw herself onto her bed and sobbed. Her long white hair was thrown over her head from the motion.

Her cries were barley audible from his perch. He had climed up through one of the castle windows in the hallway. He was glad he had his sister back but she seemed so sad.

Finally, Corrin sat up and looked out her bedroom window. From where he was, she couldn't see him. He was in the shadow the taller building she was in casted.

Not being able to bear it any longer, Xander stood and walked to the opposite side of the roof from where he was sitting. He sprinted at full speed then jumped from the structure. There was about a 6 feet gap between the ledge and the window but he jumped it with ease.

He landed on the balcony with a perfect landing. He let out the breath of air he didn't know he was holding.
Knocking on the glass door to her room, Corrin looked up in shock and surprise.
She crawled off her bed and walked over to the door, unlocking and opening it.

"Xander? What are you doing here? How did you get here?" She asked as she looked behind him confusingly.
"I jumped from the roof." He confessed as he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"You could've gotten hurt!" She said concerned.
"Worry not, little princess. I am perfectly fine." He bragged as he stepped behind her, dragging her by the hand and pulling her inside with him.

She went with his pull without protest. They both sat on the bed in silence.
"What are you doing here so late?" Corrin finally asked.
"Do you have a problem with my timing?" He joked.

"Yes, actually." She giggled. "I was just about to draw myself a bath."
"Shall I join you?" He asked, his eyes boring into hers.
"Wait, what?" She stammered as she darted her eyes all over the room, blushing.
"Corrin, I'm here to cheer you up. Remember when we used to do that as kids?" He asked. Corrin wiped at the now dry tears in her cheeks, remembering her early thoughts that brought them.

She looked into Xander's brown eyes. She could tell he was being sincere and he really wanted to help.
"But we're not kids anymore..." She whispered. Her heart throbbed at the idea. She had this strange feeling for him and she wasn't sure what it was.

"Just this once." She breathed.
"Unless you like it." Xander chuckled and winked. This was a whole new side of him she had never seen. In front of the others he was so serious. But now he was playful and flirtatious.

They entered the bathroom silently and Xander turned the hot water on. The bathroom was spacious having only that, a bath. It was modeled after a hot springs, only this one wasn't natural. The square in ground tub filled up with steaming water.

Corrin removed her headband, letting her full length silver hair down. She then began removing her armour and froze when she realized she was being watched.
"Don't look!" She demanded.

Xander just grinned and threw his arms up in the arm and turned around. He then started undressing himself.

Corrin pulled off the last of her armour then grabbed her bath towel, wrapping it around her body. She glanced over at Xander who was finally wrapping his bath towel around his waist.

"Ladies first." He bowed, letting Corrin get in first. Xander watched as she passed him. His eyes lingered on her body. Honestly, it had the perfect shape. Her top wasn't enormously big like Camilla's. Her middle was an hour-glass shape and her hips and bottom widened as you went down. He could see her perfect legs coming out from beneath the towel.
And Corrin was pale, which suited her.

He looked back up at her face and noticed he had been caught looking.
He blushed but didn't say anything.

They sat down side by side in the square tub. Their bare shoulders slightly touching.
"Corrin, if this is awkward for you I can leave." Xander finally said.
He went to get up but she grabbed onto his arm.
"Please don't go." She finally said, her voice taking a serious tone.

He sat back down, looking over at her.
"Did I choose the right path?" She asked out loud.
Xander sighed and leaned over, picking Corrin up by her waist.
"Xander!" She protested, trying to wiggle away from his grasp.

He pulled her onto his lap, resting his chin on the top of her head.
"We can't do this!" She hissed as she tried to struggle away from him.

"Relax. I need you to talk to me." He said calmly.
Corrin stopped struggling as she settled her back against him.
"Tell me what's wrong."

She sat there for a minute in his lap. She could feel the rise and fall of his chest behind her. His body was so warm, she could feel it through her towel.
Corrin finally sighed and gave in.
"I was so upset to come to the realization that I did not share the same blood as you." She confessed.
"After the way Father reacted today, I'm starting to think I made the wrong decision."

"Of course you didn't, Corrin." Xander reassured in a calming voice. He wrapped his left arm around her waist and he used his right hand to grab a cup and use it to pour water into her hair.

Corrin tipped her head back and closed her eyes. Somehow this was very calming.
He ran shampoo through her hair along with his fingers.
"Truthfully, I am glad we don't share the same blood. Because then I couldn't do this."

Without warning, Xander bent down and placed his lips on Corrin's.
"Xander!" She shouted, alarmed. Her eyes shot open.
"I apologize." He blurted as he pulled back.
"I apologize if you do not share my same feelings, I was hoping since you knew the truth..." He trailed off.

"Your feelings?" She questioned, her eyes wide. She got off of his lap so she could be eye level with him. Her hair was wet and it stuck to her face.
"Yes, little princess. Ever since you have grown up, I have obtained... Feelings for you." He confessed.

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