Chapter 3 - The Flashback

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(I was planning on doing an epic fight scene, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make it good!)

Jason's POV

'Ugh..... What happened?'

I felt as if I was just hit by a bus. Which might of happened if I was possessed by an evil version of the world's creator. I slowly opened my eyes, and used my night vision to examine the dark room I was in. Iron bars made up one wall, an iron door in the corner farthest from me. The rest of the room was made out of bedrock, clearly they weren't underestimating me.

I tried to move, but saw that my hands and legs were chained to the wall, and my wings had several metal rings around them to prevent me from opening them. I started growling in anger, my wings thrashed around. I transformed, but the chains kept adjusting my size to remain tight, but unbreakable.

I could feel my powers being drained, my mind and soul weakening. I knew that I was trapped, and that I couldn't escape. I looked down, terrified of what might happen to me now.

'Who knows what they want to do to me? They might torture me, kill me, even used as a slave! But what about my friends....' Tears pricked at my eyes at the thought of them being injured for what I might've done. My ears lowered in shame, and my wings drooped. I wished that I didn't have chains on, so that way I could curl up in a corner and cry.

'Just like when I was younger...'


"And stay down, mutt!" yelled the bully as he gave me one final kick. I whimpered and pulled my tail closer, keeping my ears as close as possible. I could hear him stomp away with his gang. I crawled over to a corner, being unable to stand from the severe beating. I leaned my back against the wall and pulled my legs to my chest, wrapping my tail around my legs. I held my legs close, and buried my head between my knees. My eyes watered, and my body ached. I cried, for everything. I knew that hybrids were a disgrace, and I knew how hated I was. And I knew that there was nothing I could do to change that.

(Flashback Over)

I cried and cried, and did nothing when someone came inside my cell with a whip in one hand and a knife in the other.


Well, short chapter but it's an update nonetheless! Anyway, I did most of this during my SLab, which is basically Study Hall, except you can do stuff on the computer if you have nothing to do! BTW, I am a twelve year girl, who is in seventh grade, about to go into eighth. I still don't understand why so many people like this story! But I am happy for the support! I'll see you all in the next chapter, banana friends!

-enderdiamond23/adventurer191 out, peace!

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