Chapter Eleven

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Move, Silverpaw!

Dawnpaw leapt forwards, shoving Silverpaw out of the claws' reach. A lump of grey fur crashed into the ground behind her with an audible thump. She gritted her teeth as she painfully pushed herself up onto her paws. Fire pulsed through her veins and she panted, spasms of pain jerking through her.

"Dawnpaw!" Silverpaw gasped. She quickly gathered her tail around her sister, leading her away from the battle. Luckily, the other cats were so focused at trying to kill Tanglebrook, Iceleap, Bramblefang, and Troutsplash. "StarClan's kits! You look horrible! Go to Aspencloud!" Dawnpaw didn't reply, but pushed Silverpaw as Quaildrop attempted to claw at Silverpaw's pelt once again.

"Just take care of yourself!" Dawnpaw croaked. "I'll be fine!"

I won't, Dawnpaw thought silently, swaying slightly. She saw Silverpaw opened her mouth to object, but quickly shut it as she dodged Quaildrop's pounce again. Silverpaw reared up and brought her forepaws down powerfully on his head.

"Stay safe!" Silverpaw called. Dawnpaw watched as Silverpaw clamped her jaw on the small tom's pelt and winced.

Yeah, she thought. She'll be perfectly fine.

Dozens of warriors from RiverClan came streaming down from the RiverClan camp, bringing reinforcements. Dawnpaw swept her eyes across the field and fixed her eyes on a single orange and black she-cat. She attempted to sprint over to the medicine cat, but stumbled over a large rock, and before she could stop herself, she face planted into the green blades of grass.

"Stupid rock," she muttered, prodding the object she had tripped over. But what she had come into contact with was not cold and hard— it was warm and fleshy. Dawnpaw let out a shaky breath.

"Dawnpaw," a frail Tanglebrook whispered. Dawnpaw leaned over her mentor. "Dawnpaw, listen to me. The only cat you need to either kill or drive out is Ivy. The ShadowClan cats will flee as soon as she dies."

Dawnpaw's voice shook. "Okay, Tanglebrook. Just stay with me. Tanglebrook!" She yelled.

But it was no use. Tanglebrook had fallen unconscious.

Dawnpaw staggered backwards. No. No! He can't be dead! He-he's only unconscious! But she had smelled the haunting odor of death, and feared that it might be too late for her brave mentor.

She limped in the direction of Aspencloud, following the creek composed of her own mentor's blood.

"No, you can not join the battle, Dawnpaw!" Aspencloud objected sternly. Dawnpaw hung her head then perked up. Her eyes shone hopefully.

"Then can I watch the battle?" She meowed tentatively. "Please! My sister is out there!" Aspencloud's eyes softened as she gazed at Dawnpaw. Dawnpaw looked up at the older she-cat and waited.

Aspencloud rested her head on Dawnpaw's shoulder, like she was an newly named warrior. "Okay, she murmured. "As long as you don't get yourself killed." Dawnpaw nodded in response and padded out of Aspencloud's sight. Dawnpaw sighed as she watched Silverpaw nip at Quaildrop's tail, only to be pushed back by a ginger tom.

I'm sorry, Aspencloud. But... I need to help Silverpaw. Lowering herself to the ground, she began to stalk towards the battling cats, who had abandoned their battle lines and were now scattered throughout the land. Staring in horror as another RiverClan cat hauled herself to the makeshift medicine cat's den, Dawnpaw sat up, wincing as the cobwebs holding her wound together tried to hold on.

I'm coming, sister, she thought, eyes narrowed and ears flat as she tread through the grass. I will do as Tanglebrook said and kill Ivy. And then, finally, RiverClan will be safe once more.

Dawnpaw's vision turned red as she barreled into Ivy, who had been previously been snapping at a white tom named Cloudwhisker. The brown tabby she-cat whirled around to face Dawnpaw and bared her teeth.

"Finally decided to join StarClan, Dawnpaw? I'll grant that wish." She cackled as she swiped at Dawnpaw's eyes. Dawnpaw ducked, barely missing the sharpened claws of her attacker and lashed out her paw underneath Ivy. As she withdrew her paw quickly, Dawnpaw almost felt sorry for the monstrous she-cat before her. She could feel the soft fur parting for her paws, as if they had been torn open once before. Blood gushed onto her paw, warm and sticky— like the sap of a tree when she was forced to climb.

But what terrified Dawnpaw was not the feeling of bloody flesh and fur.

No, it was a scream that came from Ivy...A noise so loud, so agonizing, so painful that everyone— both friends and foes— turned to look. The battle noises slow down, and Dawnpaw stood, looking at Ivy. Behind her, she could hear noises, the cries of both the RiverClan and ShadowClan cats.

Ivy glared at Dawnpaw, a fire burning in her eyes that Dawnpaw hadn't noticed before. Ivy slowly rose to her paws, blood running from her stomach.

"You will pay for this!" Ivy roared, and swatted Dawnpaw with a blow powered by her fury. Dawnpaw flew through the air before landing on the ground with a sickening crack. Once she hit the ground, the world returned back to her and she heard the dying echoes of Ivy, the screeches of the retreating ShadowClan cats, and the desperate cries of her own clanmates.

But most of all she heard Silverpaw yelling her name.

And just before Dawnpaw closed her eyes, she saw was a familiar silver tabby running to her side.

It's too late, Silverpaw. Just make sure that our Clan is safe.

I'm sorry that I couldn't make it through.

Yep, I killed her. Oops. And Tanglebrooke. Double oops.

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