A new kid

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Newt walked through the halls of his new high school. He pushed past other students, trying to find his first class. He looked at his schedule, trying to figure it out, when he ran into somebody. When they collided, Newt books went everywhere.
       "Hey watch where your going kid!!!" The boy yelled. Newt looked up, and saw a dirty blond boy with a crazy eyebrows. Newt picked his books back up.
      "Not a talker, Hun kid??"
The boy said. Newt stood up. The boy glared at Newt, then knocked his books back on the floor. Newt bent back down. "What was that for??" Newt asked. The boy laughed. "You sound funny" he said as he shoved Newt into a locker
      "Hey!! Stop that!!" A boy yelled. He ran up and shoved the boy into another. "Why don't you learn to pick on guys your own size Gally." The boy said toughly. The boy-Gally- looked at the other boy, then at Newt, then walked away. Newt stared at the boy who helped him in shock
        "Hey are you okay??" The boy asked. Newt nodded. The boy helped Newt up. "Name's Minho kid." He said with a smile. Newt picked his books up, then smiled back a Minho, "I'm Newt, I'm new here." Minho smiled again. Newt felt his heart skip a beat,"I can tell Greenie." He said with a laugh. Minho looked at Newt's schedule,"Oh cool, you got Math first period. So do I. Follow me buddy." Minho said, walking away. Newt ran after him, trying to figure out where these feelings are coming from.

Hey guys hoped you liked this one I made it a happy one. I figured you guys were sick of sad ones. I know the picture up top isn't maze runner but I love hunger games.

Love y'all,

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