No way out

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WARNING: CONTAINS SUBJECTS LIKE DEPRESSION AND SUICIDE. If you are uncomfortable with these issues I suggest you don't read this.

It was always the same. Always the same answer.

"Of course there's a way out, we just haven't found it yet."

We have been searching for a year. A year, and yet we have found nothing. Nothing.

Minho has tried to reassure me that we will find a way out, we'll be free. But I can't see it. I can't.

We're stuck here. We're stuck here forever.

And I hate it.

Everyone always bitching and moaning about how it sucks here, everyone always looking to the brighter side, that we will get outta here.

I don't buy it. I don't buy it for one fucking minute.

There's no way out. No way to lose the thoughts in my head. No way to forget what I can't even remember.

I can't do it. I just can't.


I don't know what got into me that day I jumped. But that was the first time I have ever felt free. Until I hit the ground and was brought back to reality.

Alby brought me back. I wish he would of left me to die.

Minho was furious. He told me that I couldn't die.

"Why couldn't I?!?!?" I had shouted.

"Because,.," Minho had stuttered. "Because I love you Newt." He had said. He loved me. And I loved him too. With all my heart and soul.

Until I caught him cheating on me with Ben.

Then I jumped off the wall again, this time making sure I landed on my head.


I really needed to get that off my chest. Thank you for reading.

Don't forget to vote/comment they mean so much to me.

Love y'all,

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