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Dear Newt,
Hey buddy, how you doing?? I've been ok. I feel like an idiot, cause I know you won't get this, but maybe it will help me get over you though I know you won't ever leave my mind completely, but it might help.

I've been told that getting over a loss is one of the hardest things to do. Even though it's been so long since all of you died, it still feels like yesterday that you were taken to the crank palace, your sanity slowly being eaten away.

I'll have to admit, the day Thomas told me he had killed you, I didn't believe him. I couldn't. You were my best friend, my partner in crime, I helped you though the dark part of your life. We were each other's lifelines. It took almost a year to finally come to terms that you had died. Even after that, it was hard.

The worse part is, I still believe that we could of saved you, that you could of lived out your life with us, had a family.

Thomas married Brenda almost ten years ago, and a year after them I married a immune named Addison.

I see our kids, Thomas and mine, running around together. He named his oldest after you, a spunky kid with lots of energy. I have a daughter, two to be exact, Teresa and Harriet. They love running around with the other kids. Most of the gladers named their kids(if they had any) after their deceased friends, as I did.

Sometimes I can picture you in some places. Hanging out at a party with us, going to work, raising your own family.

Do you see us?? Watch us?? Pick fun at us??

Well, I should probably stop here, before I start crying. Miss you always shuckface,

P.s. Say hi to Chuck and Teresa for Thomas and I if you can.

Well I feel like my heart was ripped into two. Sorry but I saw something like this online and I got the idea. Have a good day.
(Lifeline by papa roach)

Love y'all,

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