The boy with the Raven tattoo

122 8 16


Mentions of suicide
Also media is a trigger (read below)

Word count is about 1200 so it's a long one be prepared

I stared out the window of the bus, headphones on, drinking in the night lights of New York City. I've lived here my entire life, but after going away to college in Pennsylvania and coming back to visit family the place seemed different.

I stared out the window as we passed onto 72nd street off of Park Avenue, a pothole bumped me out of my murky thoughts. I heard voices speaking and looked up. A face was staring up at me.

Dark copper eyes were staring at me, with dirty blond hair that fell in waves into his eyes. For a long moment, all I could do was stare at the strange man as he stared back at me. Then suddenly, he smirked, then turned back to the front. But what really stood out to me was what was on the back of his neck.

A beautiful black and white drawing of raven, wings expanded, as if it was about to take flight and launch itself off the man's neck.

I stared back out the window as we continued down 72nd street, turning onto 2nd Avenue and down a few roads from the Chrysler building. The bus stopped on 41st street, a short walk to my apartment building. The bus stopped and I made my way to get off. I passed up to the front when something grabbed my arm.

It was the Raven boy, he had a hold of my black coat. I quickly pulled out of his grasp and continued off the bus, and began my walk to my apartment.

"Hey!" A loud voice said somewhere behind me.

Now, if living in NYC had taught me anything, is that people shout a lot, so I ignored it. I continued down the sidewalk, my left hand in my pocket and the other swinging at my side. It was cold at the moment, and I was shivering in my outfit of my old black coat, jeans and converse.

I looked around me, taking in the lights of the city, when something, or someone, took ahold of my hand.

I gasped and looked over. To my astonishment it was raven boy. He was staring ahead like I had been, and was actin like everything was normal. I yanked my hand out of his and grabbed him by the collar.

"Who the hell are you? And why do you keep following me?!" I shouted into his soft face. He just smiled, and brought his fingers to his lips. My brow furrowed. He grab my hand again and started walking into an alleyway.

Most of the time when an attractive stranger takes you by the hand and drags to into an alley, it's not to go on a grand adventure or to go time traveling like in movies or tv. But curiosity got the best of me and allowed him to take me into the alley.

We walked at a very brisk pace for awhile, when suddenly he stopped, turned to me, brought the same finger to his lips again, and took off running.

I had to sprint to catch up with him. He turned down several different alleys.

"Hey!" I shouted, out of breath, "Where are you taking me!?"

He didn't answer, just kept on running.

He finally slowed, and eventually stopped in front of a tall building, in front of some stairs that led to the apparent roof.

"No." I said, breathing heavy. "No way in hell am I climbing up there." I said. "I had a long day at work and I'm really not in the mood to-"

The boy had grabbed me by the collar and shoved me up the steps. I, not wanting to fall and have my ass in his face, climbed up and up until we hit the roof.

I was not prepared for the view. It was gorgeous. Colored lights as far as I could see glowed brightly. I spun in a circled and hugged myself, feeling the cold winding hit my thin coat.

"Wow." I breathed, watching the lights. "I've never seen NYC like this before."

The boy leaned on a piece of metal, but didn't say a word.

"Are you really not gonna talk?" My voice cut through the sounds of the city. "After dragging me around and making me climb all those-"

"It's beautiful." The boy finally spoke, his thick British accent cutting through air like a knife through warm butter.

"So you can talk." I chuckled. "I thought you couldn't." He smiled, but it was hard, like it was forced.

"I don't prefer to talk. I feel my voice sounds ridiculous compared to everyone's else's." My eyes travelled back to the boy. Tall, with long arms and legs. A runner, no doubt.

"I think your voice is brilliant." I don't know where it came from, but It was out now. Fuck.

He smirked, and looked down. Damn that was hot. "Thanks, but it doesn't really matter what you think. After today you'll never see my again."

"Why not?" I questioned, "19 million isn't that much. Or are you going back to England. But even then we cou-"

The sad look on his face said it all.

"Oh." I stammered. "Ohhh.."

"Yep." He said, sitting down on the edge of the building, dangling his legs off the side.

Everything about him suddenly made sense.

Sporadic movements, lack of fear, sad eyes and forced smile.

"Why?" I asked. "Why do you want to do it?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Got no family anymore. Parents died when I was a kid and my sister moved to Russia and completely left me alone. Plus," he said, turning to look at me. "Was diagnosed with brain cancer last week. Doc only gave me a 20% chance of living 5 years." He turned around and looked over the city. "So what's the point of living one."

I walked to the edge and stood next to him for a moment, and we stared at the lights. After a moment, I sat down and dangled my feet over the edge and took his hand and squeezed it.

"Don't do it." I said. "Please."

"What's there for me here." He said, unblinking. "Pain, bills, illness and loneliness."

"And me." He turned to me. "I'm here. I'll stay with you." He smiled a genuine smile.

"That's sweet kid, but it's okay. I don't need anyone. I was thinking about joining the army actually."

"But I thought you said-"

"That's with chemo." He said, finally looking at me. "Without I could go a few more years. But something's gonna give one day."

"Then join the army." I said. "Just stay alive. Don't hurt yourself anymore. Please."

He smirked. "Okay. I'll think about it." He stood and made his way to the steps and stopped on the first one. "Go down those stairs a few floors and you should be at your flat. Good night Thomas."

"Thanks." I said and made my way to the door. "Wait." I spoke, turning around. "How do you know my na-"

He was gone.

Every since then, I search the buses and the sidewalks for the boy. I wonder if he every join the army, or just ended his life and his original plan was. And I wonder why he took me onto the roof.

I guess I'll never know. And I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that boy with the raven tattoo on his neck.

Hey! Hope you guys enjoyed that! Also the song in the media is called "island of the misfit boy" and it's extremely sad and triggering so please do not play it if that makes you upset

Also sorry if any of the facts about New York City are wrong I just googled shit and hoped it was right😂😂

Love y'all,

Random Maze RunnerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang