Chapter 10: Fetch doggy.

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Hi ;) I was going to say something but i forgot what it was....OH YEAH!!! I'v read all the twilight books but I'v seen the movies. I mix the scenes in both together to get the best result



Things are OK now. Seth was by my side as my best friend. It's, funny Leah has to aknowledge that I'm her brothers best friend.

Sam wanted us to improve on our speed. We all ran from Emily's porch and phased.

Leah: I'll never have a child.

Sam: Leah, you can't help it.

Embry: Hey Tori, do you feel the same?

Tori: Why would I want a nasty little brat in my life?

Embry: I don't know. Most girls do.

Tori: Well I'm not 'most girls'

Seth: No, your not.

Tori: See, that proves it. All the girls at school want Seth, except for me.

Paul: It's funny how your the only one that doesn't want Seth, yet Seth wants you.

Seth: Shut it Paul.

Quil: I hope Claire will be ok without me.

Tori: ......

As usual, Leah and I, being the smallest wolves, won the races by far. We all phased and ran back to Emily's place.

"Where's Jake?" I asked. At that moment, the sandy, shaggy wolf came out from the woods. He phased and stormed (or ran) away angrily. I rolled my eyes and gave a small wave to the others and chased after him. "Jake!!" I yelled as he got into the house. He grunted and slammed the door.

"What's wrong with him?" Dad asked. I shrugged and banged Jacobs door with my fists. "Jake what happened?" I called. "Just forget it Tori!!" He yelled. "Whatev, I'll find out sooner ot later after I call Bella," I yelled back. Then I heard a rustling and then his door opened and he stormed out.

He grabbed my phone from my hand and ripped in apart. I shoved him and scream, "Dickhead!!!" In his face and ran into my room. Of course I was still screaming out curses.

*next morning*

I woke up thinking about different things. Like the possobility of Quil being my half brother. Then there was that fact that i didn't have a phone. There was a soft knock at my door, and a soft voice, my brothers voice. "Tori? Can I come in?" He asked.

I opened the door. Jacob heald something in his hand. He forced it into mine and I pulled on the loops of the bow. The tiny box cme loose, and i opened it. Inside was a bubble touch phone. I gasped and looked up at Jake. I hugged him and thanked him and turned it on immedeiantly.

"Hey I was wondering, did you want to come to Bellas party tonight?" He asked. I just shook my head and kept staring at the pinky-purple cover. "Can I?-" I began but he finished. "Go show Seth? Yeah," he said. I smiled and skipped off happily.

I checked at his house, but Seth wasn't there. I ran to Emily'as house.....he was there.........with..........Kathleen.


"Tori? Tori!!" I looked up at Mr Welling, the science teacher. "Please pay attention in class," he said. I sighed and looked at my partner, my newest best friend, Aleeshia. "You OK?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. Today she was coming on reservation.

As we walked out into the car park, Seth caught up...Kathleen by his side. "What's she doing?" He asked, looking nastily at Aleeshia. "Sam said AJ could come on reservation," I replied. Kathleen scowled at me. I grabbed onto Aleeshias hand...AND SHOVED SETH AND KATHLEEN INTO THE FOUNTAIN.

The garden fountain was recently put up. Seth yelled and Kathleen screamed. "You better run Tori!!!!!" I made out the words from Seth. That's why I bolted, pulling AJ with me. We kept running until we got to Emily's place. No one was there....yet.

We ducked behind the bench. Breathing hard and laughing on the inside....we listened close. FOOTSTEPS. I whinced at the thought of it being Seth. We looked anxiously up and..."BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the mystery person yelled. AJ and I both let out screams.

I stood up and faced a luaghing Embrey. "You idiot I was trying to hide fro-" I began to speak but saw Seth coming. I pulled Aleeshia back down bwhind the bench. The others began to cover for me, since now Quil and Jacob were there too.

"Why haven't they got shirts on???" Aleeshia whispered. "Hot day?" I answered. She gave me a suspicious look and Jacob called out that the coast was clear. I sighed as I stood up. Embry looked at Aleeshia as though he had never seen a girl before.


OOOHH! whats embry done?? i need spice things up should i bring brendan back into the story?? ya know?? the guy in her dream?? comment what you think xo

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