The Yule Ball...

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*Some period of time later* 

*Hermione's point of view*

I slid out from under the covers of my bed and realized what day it was...the day of the Yule Ball! I still didn't know what to do...I was going with Victor Krum, Ron wanted to ask me so I feel bad now, and I'm falling For Fred... I have no idea what to do with my life right now...

I pu on some clothes and walked down the corridoor to the Great Hall and satdown with Harry and Ron. Of course, the only thing people were talking about was the Yule Ball. I was in deep thought and not paying attention to the Questions Harry and Ron were attempting to ask me, but just gave up since I wasn't answering, when I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder. I immediately smiled and looked back at the tall ginger twin I was falling for by unlikely circumstances. 

"Hey Granger"

"Back to Granger? No Hermione?"

"Eh, it's a beautiful name either way."

"Oh yeah, Granger is sooo beautiful" I say rolling my eyes sarcastically. 

"STill going to the ball with that Krum?"


"Well I look forward to seeing how amazing you look" he says as he flashes me a smile and walkes away.

"Well what was that?" says harry smiling. "I've never seen you two act like that before. Is something going on?"

" have to get going. Have a lot to do before the ball tonight." I say as I scurry from the table.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was time at last. The ball was here. I was overwhelmingly excited, but at the same time nervous, in a bad way. Oh well, I have to shake it off and have fun. I am wearing a beautiful pink gown with a black bow around the waist, with a ruffled bottom. If I must say so myself, I look pretty amazing. A lot better than usual, obviously. Victor never showed up...he'll probably be at the ball already. I'm walking down the corridor and to where the ball is held, and take a deep breath as I walk down the steps smiling. I see Harry smiling at me, Ron smiling and blushing and looking somewhat sad, tha porr thinf. And Victor talking to a group of girls....and Fred. Fred is standing with George and Angelina, but he stops in mid sentence when he looks up and sees me.His face turns read and his mouth turns into an ear to ear grin. 

*Fred's point of view*

Merlin's beard, I just realized I have already faceplanted into the paved courtyard, and I'm in big trouble. I am definetely in love with Hermione Granger...

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