First kiss..

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Hermiones point of view..

I pull my shirt over my head and bobby pin my bangs out of my face. I walk down the stairs and see Fred setting there.. It was still early and Saturday so most people wouldn't be up..

I see him stand up and he walks over.. Silently he smiles and sared in my eyes..

"Hey mione.." He grins..

"Hello Fred." I say..

He leans down and kisses me on the cheek.. I was surprised my eyes had went wide..

He chuckles and pulls me out of the common room. He has my hand and we walk down the hall talking and laughing.

"Fres where are we going?" I ask..

"No we're.. Just walking.." he smiles.

"Okay?" I don't question him much more and we are in a place I've never seen before..

"Where are we?" I ask looking around.

"It's a secret.." He whispers..

His face is inches from mine an my heart races. As our lips barely touch electricity is sent through me. And I was complete..

"I love you Fred weasley..."

"I love you too 'Mione Granger.."

The book worm and the prankster. ( Fred and Hermione love story)Where stories live. Discover now