It could always get worse?

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Hermiones point of view..)

Ron had become a major arse and it was making me angry. They had left and I was setting alone crying. I dint know for how long it had been but I was pretty sure it was late. I heard footsteps. At that point I really didn't care if it was a teacher or not..

"Mione?" I heard Fred ask.

"What?" My voice was filled with anger and my heart with sadness.

I felt him set next to me and put an arm around me. He was the only thing around I could cry into so I did. I cried into his shoulder..

"Would you like to dance?" he asked standing up holdig out his hand.

"I'd love to.." I stood up and we danced. No music, no noise, no talking, just our heartbeats together.

I remember. We didn't stop till it was almost sunrise. I remember he had carried me to the common room bridal style and w had almost fallen asleep on the couch. We both went to bed. But were soon woken up by friends excited for Christmas.

I remember I, Harry , and the weasleys were the only gryffindors still there. I had gotten a couple of winks from Fred. But that was it.

One night I was in a corridor. I was crying and had set down alone. I heard footsteps and expected a teacher. But it was Fred. I was in his lap and cryed into his shoulder for several hours.

It was nice being with him.. And I think I was in love. But I was 14 at the time. I mean what is love? Who knows.. I just knew it should feel like this.

Of course school came back around to quickly and I was running aroun like a vhicken with it's head cut off.

I had bags stuffed in my bag and I was scurrying down the hallway to potions and snape was lookin extra evil.

"Hello professor.." I said trying to stay on his good side..

"Morning miss granger.." today would be long I thought catching the evil in his eye..

The book worm and the prankster. ( Fred and Hermione love story)Where stories live. Discover now