02: Late Night Conversations

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Before going over to my moms I decided to go home and change.

Sitting the bottle of fresh jack on my counter along with my keys. I made my way up stairs.

As of now Michael has been on my mind. The way he was tight about me not giving him my number right away was kinda funny. I could tell no woman has ever done that to him.

He was very attractive though. Any woman in their right mind would have given him their number.

I searched in my closet for something simple and easy to wear.

After getting out the shower I dressed in black leggins, a black tank and a denim jacket with a pair of cool grey and light blue jordan 7's.

I tugged my hair into a tight bun then grabbed my keys, phone, purse, and bottle of jack then made my way to my car.

Getting over to moms house I seen Kim's car, Kourt car and of course my moms.

I got out closing the car door behind me before banging on the big double doors.

"Who is it?!" Kendall yelled

"Khlo!" I replied smoothing my hair out and pushing my sun glasses onto my face.

"Who?" She joked

"Ken stop playing it's cold out here!" I replied

"Who's at the door. Mom told me never to talk to people I don't know!" She laughed

"Kendall Jenner open the door!" I hit it before laughing.

It's moments like this I remember not to take life so serious. I'm really blessed to have the things that I have. My little sisters always make me smile and happy because their so full of life and blessed as well.

"Who's at the door?" I heard Kourt ask

"It's me Khlo now open the door." I laughed

"Never!" Kourt yelled before laughing

"Come on guys time to eat open the door" mom finally put the games to rest

The locks of the doors turned and there stood both Kendall and Kourtney smiling hella hard at me.

"What Khlo?!" Kourt laughed

"Really." I laughed before sitting the bottle of jack on the beautiful set table then ran attacking both my sisters.

"Mom!" Kendall yelled

"Khloe stop hitting your sisters!" Mom whined, but I kept hitting them. We continued to play around for a good while before mom tried to break us up. Kendall yanked moms arm sending her to fly into us on the floor. I took this as my only chance so I went for it! Sitting on mom I bounced up and down on her stomach.

"Khloe this is so not funny!" She yelled in between taking breaths.

Kendall and Kourt thought this was the funniest things ever. By now Kim holding a woken North, Bruce, Kylie, Scott, and Mason watched Khloe, Kourtney, and myself beat mom up.

"Bible you guys are crazy." Kim laughed

"Guys stop!" Mom yelled

When we decided enough was enough we all got off mom, so she could get up.

"You guys are so annoying." Mom said fixing herself

"Likewise mama dearest, likewise." I laughed making Kourt do the same

I went into the living room where Rob sat watching t.v

"Hey bro!" I jumped on his lap

"Hey. When you get here?" He asked

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