04: Just lay with me (pt.1)

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Unlocking the doors to his big mansion he pushed his King sized door opened letting me walk in front. Taking a stop inside his cozy home, I observed my surroundings and I was very impressed. Everything seems so elegant and...fit for a king.

“Come in come in. Make yourself at home.” He grinned

His confidence was so over the top, yet he seemed like a down to earth type of guy.

“You have a beautiful house Michael.” I said making my way to the opened living room

“Thank you baby.” He said taking a seat beside me. He just kept looking at me, making me blush.

“What.” I carried on

“You’re just cute.” He licked his lips

“Thank you.” I giggled at him

“Tell me more about yourself Khloe.” He said sinking into the sofa getting comfortable. It’s the food.

“What you wanna know?” I asked playing in my hair

“More. Why you single?” He asked

Taking a deep breath, I bit my lip. That hit a nerve.

“Well I just got out a marriage about 5.” I said honestly

It’s not like Michael and I are gonna be in a relationship, so I have no reason to lie.

“Wow.” He mumbled rubbing his chest

“Yeah…” I nodded my head agreeing with him

I would have never thought that Lamar and I would end, but we did. And not only did we end, we ended in a horrible way. The worst way. And it hurts me because I still love him, and I want nothing but the best for him. And to know that I couldn’t give him that broke my heart into a million peices.

“That’s a tough thing to go through.” He said knocking me out my ocean of thoughts.

“You’ve been married before?” I asked

He was speaking like he was married before.

“Nah, but it felt like it.” He said laughing as if something was funny.

People only laugh at stuff like that, when they’re hurting.

“What happened? If you don’t mind me asking.” I asked turning sideways to get a good look at him

“Me and my girl been rocking for a while, until I messed up.” He said moving his shoulders up and down

“You must miss her.” I mumbled rubbing small circles on the pad of the sofa.

“Nah. I understand that it’s life, and just because you lose people doesn’t mean that it’s a lost.” He said licking his lips again.

His hat was stilling low over his eyes and his chains were shining from the light that was above us.

That was one of the deepest piece of advice that I have ever gotten. Had me rethinking some things.

“You seem really smart.” I found myself saying

“Why thank you.” He licked his lips laughing at me

“You seem like you have all the answers.” I said

“I wish. I just take life a step at a time. Let’s go up stairs.” He said sitting up

I didn’t move for a minute because I was debating on if I should go or nah.

“We ain’t gone do nothing Khloe. I just want you to be comfortable.” He chuckled at me

“Alright Michael.” I laughed too standing to my feet following him up his long stair case. As we walked down the long hallway I looked at his art that laced the walls before standing in front of two large doors. I think I’m starting to see a theme of some sort. Opening the doors that led to his huge room he allowed me to walk in first like before. He was sweet.

“You have really good taste my friend.” I said very impressed

It was hard for me to believe that he lived here all by himself.

“Thank you girl.” He said falling back on the bed

“You picked this stuff out yourself?” I asked looking around his room

“Yeah. Come lay with me.” He said patting the spot next to him

Doing as he said I took my shoes off and laid beside him

Wrapping his arms around me shocking me he mumbled ever so lowly “I just wanna lay here with you.”

And that’s what we did.

>I know it’s short, but it’s just something. I have writers block with this story.

>Michael’s bedroom is in the sidebar (thingy)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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