03: Morning after

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I woke up this wonderful Saturday morning on cloud nine. Last night Michael and I talked until 4. He was really down to earth and slick funny. He requested that I have breakfast with him. Lazily throwing the blankets back I stood raising my arms above my head and letting an long over do yawn escape my mouth.

Making a bee line towards the bathroom, I started preparing myself for today's events. After brushing my teeth, washing my face and taking care of my skin I took a 40 minute shower washing away all of yesterday's bullshit and unwanted feelings.

Drying my feet on the pink soft rug beneath me I couldn't help but smile at myself in the mirror.

Calm down Khloe you don't even know the man. Damn. I quickly shut my happiness about Michael down.

Clinging to my towel more I picked  out the tangles bits in my hair, Brushing it down my back. After taking caring of myself I picked out an outfit to match my mood.

Now standing in the middle of my room trying to find my shoes I got an incoming call from Kourt.

"Yeah?" I found myself not really paying attention to Kourt But the whereabouts of my shoes.

"What's up?" she asked

"Nothing about to go to breakfast." I mumbled absentmindedly

"By yourself Khloe?" She asked

Now I could lie or tell my sister the truth...which is I'm going to meet up with a man I only met once... I think I'll go with the first one.

"No one of the girls." I lied

"Oh alright." She responded

"What's up with you?" I asked now forgetting about my shoe and more into the conversation and drama Kourt always bring to the table...well besides Kim. Can't forget about Kim's drama.

"Nothing. Waiting up for Scott." she replied sounding beyond annoyed

"Why?" I made a face

"He didn't come home last night." she stressed

"...He's probably out with a whore." she went on to say

"Relax Kourt the man has a job he probably crashed at a friends. I mean he does work at hotels maybe he's there." I mumbled wiping lint off my shirt

"You're probably right." She caved in. I'm the only one in this family that has faith in Scott. Not mom, Bruce, Kim, Robert, he'll not even Kourt.

"Yeah I know I am. Now be a good hoe and housewife and go cook my niece and nephew something to eat!" I joked

"Yeah yeah bitch!" she laughed before hanging up

Tossing my phone on the bed I continued my search for my shoes. After a 10 minute search and find game, I finally left the house. Michael texted me and told me to meet him somewhere at a nice sit down place in downtown L.A


Checking my emails I smelt a familiar scent making me looking up to see a beautiful Khloe.

“Good morning.”She smiled

“Morning, how you are you.” I said standing up to hug her across the table

“Good.” She smiled taking her seat

“Thank you for meeting with me.” I grinned

“Thank you for inviting me, making me feel all special.” She smirked

I like girls like Khloe, the type of girls that know they’re bad. She knew she was bad just by the way she smirked and grinned.

Before I could get my witty comeback out our waiter came  to take our order.

Once we were done ordering we just stared at one another. Smirking more than likely.

“So Michael where you from?” She asked smiling with her pink coated lips

“Gardena, but I was in Compton a lot.” I said

My mama worked hard and we lived good, but I just always wanted more out of life so I went to hustling, and became more involved with it. Now I’m running stuff in every hood in Cali.

She nodded her head. “Where you from?” I asked in return

“I’m from Los Angeles” She smiled

She seemed like a Valley girl.

“I grew up pretty good. My father took great care of my mother and my sisters.” She said

She looked like she came from money just by the way she dress and carry herself.

“Is your father still alive?” I asked as the waiter sat our drinks down in front of us

“No he passed in 2003 when I was 19.” She said

I could tell it affected her in a major way just by the way her eyes stayed focused on one thing.

“He must have meant a lot to you.” I said

“The world to my sisters and I.” She said

I assumed she had no brothers for the simple fact of her bringing up her sisters.

“But not too damper the mood. What about you any brothers or sisters?” She asked putting a pretty smile back on her face

“Yeah two sister and one brother.” I said smiling thinking of my family

“Are you the big brother?” She asked

“Yeah.” I smirked

“Aw Mr. big brother.” She grinned as our food came.

For a while there were no conversation just forks scraping against our white plates.


After our breakfast we were talking like we’ve known one another our entire life.

“You’re mad corny!” He laughed at me as I tried I to dance

“WHAT? I been on!” I laughed

“You right.” He laughed again looking at his phone making me do the same. I’ve been in here for a good minute. I really didn’t want this to end.

“What you doing for the rest of the day?” He asked

Checking the time again I answered “Nothing.” I grinned

“Wanna take a ride with me somewhere?” He asked

Thinking I talked to myself. It had been a while since I’ve even had some fun...what harm could this little outing do?

“Sure.” I answered back

“Let’s ride then.” He winked at me making my smirk grow bigger. This should be fun.


We sat parked in his super large driveway staring up at his amazing house. He had valet parking to send my car home, so that I could ride with him.

“Wow, this is so nice.” I cooed looking at the red roses that were planted in the front of his yard. He looked like a very flamboyant person. He wore a lot of gold chains, nice shades, clean Jordans and his hair was laid for the god’s. Whatever he does, he does it to the fullest.

“Wait until you see the inside.” He said before getting out of his white on white benz.


Tyga’s house is in the side bar (thingy), let me know that y’all thinking of this story.Let me know if y’all rocking with it or nah.

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