Don't worry Helen it's normal

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RILEY - Too much money to spare, I think I'm a bear.

I lay still in my bed staring at the roof in glum. The days events going through my head again and again. I can't help but feel a little agitated.

Have I made the same mistake again? Was she right? I should've just left it the way it used to be.


I've made my promise, and this time I will keep it. And I'll make it up to her.

A nasty grin made its way across my face.

Oh boy could I not wait for tomorrow


I rang the bell to find Mrs. Watson at the door.

"Riley! So surprised to see you. It's been a while, huh?" she smiled

"Yes Mrs. Watson, with your daughter baring her fangs all the time, it's quite tough to make it here alive."

She chuckled at my description

"Lucky for you, she just left for a jog. Come inside son. And please call me Helen." she gestured for me to come in.

I came in and took in the familiar surroundings. The living room had changed the most since the last time i was here. It used to be a complete mess at all times and Riley, being the gentleman he is, would always help Ellie make it look even nastier so much so Helen would have to call for a cleaning service.

Helen bought me some Waffles amd I digged in like a hungry werewolf on a fullmoon night.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone grabbed me by the collar.

"Ellie what are you doing?!" Mrs. Watson came gushing out of the kitchen staring at the angel behind me in horror.

"Don't worry Helen, its normal. I have that effect on her" I said coolly. "But can I please finish my Waffles before you kill me?"

"Ellie Watson! You will put that young man down this instant or-" she was cut off almost instantly

"Have a good day mom." she said and started dragging me towards her room.

"Ellie, this is no way to-" poor Helen was cut off again

"I said GOOD DAY!" she screamed before slamming the door shut.

"Well hello Princess Fiona" I smirked, hoping she would recall how she was always a Disney princess for me.

"So you finally acknowledged the fact that you're Shrek." she snapped

I frowned in disapproval

"What do you think you're doing here?" she asked

I simply glared at her until she added,"...your Highness?"

"I'm glad you asked."

My nasty grin must have given her a hint because her face suddenly became pale.

I clapped my hands and asked her to close her eyes.

"Yeah, right. I should close my eyes. How about I kill you first?"

I covered her eyes from behind her and slowly guided her outside

"Riley, what do you think you're doing?"

"Shh. No peeking."

I took her in the balcony and removed my hands allowing her to see.

She blinked for a moment trying to grasp in the light and then just turned to me in annoyance.

"Yay Riley! My balcony. Thank you so much!" she said with sarcasm dripping everywhere

"Look down, stink brain." I snorted

She looked and stared in awe, but almost trying to hide.

"Is that one of your cars?"
"That is correct."
"How is it matte AND shiny?!"
"It's called being expensive. Now I'm gonna teach you how to drive."
"Oh my god... Riley, I can't-"

"-can't believe it?  I know, but it's a little peace offering. White truce, get it? The car's white" I joked finishing the sentence for her.

"No, you dumdum. I'm SCARED OF DRIVING!" she yelled 

I just looked at her square in the face

And broke into a fit of laughter.

"Riley it is not FUNNY!" she pouted

"Oh Lord- BUAHA- you--- ahaha- ohhaha" I choked out

"Urgh." she stomped.

"Oh come on, I was just joking. Walk it off, or you could drive it off." I paused

"Oh wait, you can't" and cracked up again until my stomach started hurting

"Are you done?" she said with a grumpy look on her face

"Almost." I said and laughed a bit more.

"It's okay Lily. I'll teach you how to drive." I smiled and took her hand

A distant memory came back to me, but instead of me telling her, it was the other way round.

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