One love

232 11 1

i see a lot of you just nicely reading and not voting

wait for my signal to play you're not new to this

does anyone else find it funny that her surname is literally stoner.

RILEY- I hate the beach. (Not really, I'm pretty neutral about it)

So I actually checked out all those colleges and damn, this was some good stuff. Dad doesn't miss a beat, huh.

These places looked like if you had the potential, you could literally take over the world. And I could see Lily going there and being all happy about silly things like an astronomy project.

She could have a great time. And I know if I made it, we could. Wouldn't it be cool if I lived. I could go on and actually learn about things I like to learn about.

Also party like sicko mode but yeah.

I switched off the computer and grabbed my stuff to skidoodle out of there. Maybe there was no point dwelling on a future that couldn't be, but unfortunately Dad had a point, there definitely was a point in trying to get there.

I walked towards the exit so I could go grab lunch from outside and the entire corridor was pretty empty. But in the hallway to my right, I could see Lily standing near the water cooler just filling up her water bottle.

It couldn't hurt to just watch, without her knowing though I wish I could just hold her.

She waved at one of the teachers and ended up spilling the entire thing all over herself. My classic clumsy little bean. 

No one else seemed to be around to see that so she frustratingly yanked her bag over to the floor and pulled her now drenched hoodie out over herself.

She was just wearing a tshirt inside and I knew how chilly the weather was.

<play song>

Cuz it's too coooooooold
For you here

It looked like the cold hit her hard too as she rubbed her hands together and then just bent over to pick up her bag. And she was just so sad.


I took off my regular black jacket and headed right towards her. She needed me right now

And I wasn't giving up on her.

I held out my jacket for her in one hand

She got up and looked me straight in the eye. The same look she had the first time I sneaked into her house.

Surprised, but glad.

All I am is a man
I want the world in my hands

So many things I could look forward to in this world, but she's the only one that I could ever want.

She hesitated, but then reached out to take my jacket and put it around herself. It was a little big for her but all the more warmth.

Small bean.

"Thanks," she whispered, still looking down at her sleeves that went way over her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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