Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

                “I’m so excited to explore camp!” Shadekit squeaked excitedly.

                How big is it? Will the warriors be as gigantic as Cloudfrost and Snowcloud? Will I see my father, Snaketooth?

                Shadekit led the way out into the camp with Firekit and Russetkit close behind. It was a small patch of land surrounded by pine trees. Each den was a bramble thicket similar to the nursery. The young kit couldn’t stop staring at the camp entrance.

                The forest was huge! Staring at the horizon directly ahead, Shadekit saw the dark green of the ShadowClan treetops change to a lighter green. That must be where our territory ends and the ThunderClan territory begins.

                To the right of the entrance, the treetops abruptly ended in the distance. That’s got to be where RiverClan territory starts.

                Shadekit took a step forward towards the camp entrance. The forest scents called his name, awakening something deep inside his heart. I want to see our territory today…camp can wait.

                Shadekit began to walk towards the camp entrance. Suddenly, he felt some cat gently grab him by the scruff and drag him backwards. He tried to escape but eventually surrendered. He was placed on the ground and turned around to see Cloudfrost. “Not yet, Shadekit,” his mother purred. “Some day though, you’ll be able to see the whole territory and perhaps farther than that.”

                “But I want to see it today! Please? Just for a little bit?” he begged.

                “I’m sorry but it’s against the warrior code because it’s not safe for an inexperienced kit to wander through the forest with no supervision,” Cloudfrost replied.

                Shadekit wanted to scream about how unfair these dumb rules were. They just don’t want kits to enjoy themselves! “Then we can’t do anything fun?” he meowed sadly.

                “You can ask the elders for a story,” Cloudfrost suggested.

                Shadekit perked up slightly at that. “Okay, where is their den?” he asked.

                Cloudfrost pointed with her tail to a bramble thicket near the camp entrance directly across from him. “Russetkit! Firekit!” he yelled. “Let’s go meet the elders!”

                Russetkit and Firekit were nowhere to be seen. Shadekit searched for a long time and eventually found them inside of a bramble thicket with a sandy floor playing with some strange-smelling leaves. Russetkit tossed one into the air and knocked it to the ground with a paw as it began to drift downwards. She noticed Shadekit and slid a leaf towards him. “Here! Play with this! It’s so much fun!” she exclaimed.

                Shadekit copied her previous movements and watched as it fluttered back down towards him. He leapt and reached out with a forepaw, bringing the leaf to the ground with a triumphant cry. Suddenly, a shadow fell over them and the three kits spun around. A massive dark brown tom blocked the entrance to the den, eyes narrowed. “What are you three doing in here?” he demanded.

                Shadekit backed away, frightened, and crashed into a stack of berries. He tumbled to the ground but quickly scrambled back to his paws. The cat’s whiskers were twitching with amusement. “W-who are you?” the black-furred kit stammered.

                “I am Rowanleaf, the medicine cat,” the tom growled, his eyes softening.

                “What’s a medicine cat?” Firekit wondered aloud. “Is it a type of warrior?”

                Rowanleaf shook his head. “We take care of the Clan by healing injuries and we speak with StarClan to receive messages from our ancestors,” he replied.

                “Yuck,” Shadekit and Firekit meowed in unison, but to the young kit’s confusion, Russetkit looked genuinely interested.

                “That sounds really boring,” Shadekit added.     

                Rowanleaf chuckled. “Typical kits who wish to become warriors,” he purred. “Anyhow, I suppose you aren’t aware of the fact that you aren’t allowed to mess with those herbs, are you?”

                “No,” Shadekit answered. “Are you saying you don’t want us to touch those leaves?”

                The medicine cat nodded. “I advise kits to avoid the medicine cat den completely because they can’t resist mischief when they’re in here,” he meowed. “You should return to your mother and if you’re in here again, don’t mess with the herbs. Understood?”

                “Yes, Rowanleaf,” Shadekit sighed.

                The three kits padded out of the den. I don’t understand why any cat would choose to be a medicine cat…I’m going to be the best warrior ever!

A/N: I am considering writing a book that picks up after Crazystar's Greatest Challenge concludes. This does not mean I'll be abandoning this novel, it just means I'll be writing both. What do you all think? Please let me know!

Anyhow, hope you enjoyed and please comment with your thoughts :D

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