Chapter 4: Riddles with Salem

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Chapter 4//

             "Do you think she'll be okay?" a tiny voice that sounds like little chimes of a bell is heard and then there was the eerie but soothing voice again, "I don't know Quinn..." The voice said. "Well Salem, aren't you all worried for a human? I thought you hated them?" The voice which sounds like bells said but the eerie voice said nothing. I groaned and opened my eyes slowly but then a sharp pain is felt along my arm, "Argh!" I stood up with a jolt and held on to my arm. "She's awake!" the creature named Quinn said. I couldn't see anything around me properly since I was more focused on the pain in my arm. My breathing quickened and then a cold touch is felt on my arm then the pain went away, "That should do it," The eerie voice said and when I opened my eyes. I couldn't see the creature or person that had the eerie voice but only a little person which is the size of my hand with pointed ears smiled at me but what scared me she has pointed teeth.

"Hahaha, Quinn. It seems that the human girl here is scared to see your pointed teeth," The eerie voice said once again but then the creature named Quinn blushed and hid her teeth by her hands. "Oh, I don't mean to be rude. I am so sorry. Despite you having pointy teeth you look very lovely," I said to the fairy and her fragile wings turned bright pink. "T-thank you..." the little creature said. "Are you a fairy?" I asked her but then she grinned, "nope, close but no. I'm a faerie with an e. The difference with faerie and fairy is that faerie can turn into humans and hide their wings while fairy does not," Quinn said and turned to a 5'4 human and she does look very charming, "see?" she grinned but her voice doesn't sound like bells anymore. "What's that? There's something in your pocket that seems to be glowing," Quinn said pointing to my pocket. I took out the glowing thing to see that it was the ring glowing. "Oh! It's the time of the year where they look for companions now. Maybe it's me!" The faerie said jumping up and down excitedly. I approached her smiling to put it on her but when I did the glow stopped. "Huh?" I said. The faerie, Quinn, frowned but then smiled, "If it's not me then it must be Salem! Don't you know if a ring glows it means that you found a companion that is 100% compatible with you?" Quinn said smiling and with a snap of her fingers a black cat with green eyes appeared in front of her but the cat hissed and tried to clawed at Quinn but it couldn't but since the black cat was moving very violently Quinn had to drop the cat and it jumped on a table besides me. When it did, I finally got a better view of the room. It looks very comfortable indeed with some wooden oak chairs in the small living room and I was sitting on a bed with green sheets just at the corner of the living room. The aroma around me smells like lavender and roses.

"I do not like being touched especially carried. You can make my life a mess just not my fur," The black cat said while licking it's fur and it seems as if it's the creature with the eerie voice. "Y-you're Sale-"the cat cut me off, "Yes, I am Salem, now before you stench my house with your human smell I suggest that you leave immediately, "He hissed and with his paw he pointed to the direction of the door. Quinn giggled and turned to me, "Don't mind that silly kitty. He's actually very pleased that he finally found a companion. He just doesn't show it," The faerie returned back to her original form and sat on Salem's head making the cat groan. "Geez, what a sassy kitty with snappy remarks and what kind of cat lives in a house. Does he belong to a witch or something," I murmured to myself. "I heard everything what you just said. You don't know my story so before spouting assumptions and making false accusations about me I suggest you think and I am not just a sassy kitty. I can be anything what I want to be. For example, a wolf," the cat pointy teeth turned sharper and large then it's its claws also turned bigger when he turned to the form of a wolf he jumped on top of me while baring his fangs at me. "O-okay okay! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spout nonsense but you way with words is harsh which made me want to snap back in the process!" I close my eyes and turned my face sideways not wanting to see its pointy shard teeth but then the growling stopped, "True. You have a point there," Salem turned back into being a cat and to show his point he grinned showing his little kitty fangs at me. 'Ugh' I thought.

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