[WillDip] Come Here

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Will sat on the couch as Dipper whine about his sister 'Mabel' for almost ruining the show,Dipper clench his fist and punch the wall as he groan,Meanwhile-Will just looked that at the floor as Dipper continued to rage out,Hoping,He wouldn't get involve in the situation.

When Dipper stop,Will started to tear up and hoping Dipper isn't going to let out his anger on him.He sat still,Not moving.When he notice Dipper was actually glaring at him.His tears starts to fall down his cheeks,He tried not to make atleast a single sound.The fact that he knew Dipper already gets irritated and more violent when his crying especially when he makes a sound.And by that,That doesn't stop Dipper from getting near him."You know Will,It would be much better,If you stop crying and start looking at me" Dipper whisper into Will's ear,Making Will flinch.

Will having no choice but to follow from refraining himself getting shouted by Dipper or even getting himself beaten up.He look up meeting Dipper's glowing teal eyes.This made Will a bit nervous and flush a bit-- NOT to mention,He has a CRUSH ON DIPPER GLEEFUL .(I'll stop shouting now,sorry--)

"Now tell me,Why don't you get angry--but rather get really emotional and cry a lot?"Dipper whisper while he put his hand around Will's shoulder.Will at first,Started to tear up again,but this would really destroy Dipper's patiences and calmness.So he try as hard as he can not to tear up or whine."B-beac-cause--"Dipper crush his lips to Will's,Not letting Will continue.Will was shock on how sudden Dipper was.He tried to pull away but change his mind and kiss back.Dipper's mouth was so warmth and elegant while Will's mouth was the exact opposite of that,It was cold and rough.Giving Dipper a hint this was Will's first time to actually kiss someone.This kinda confused Dipper a bit 'cause he always thought Will kissed someone before,The fact that Will live here before the universe was even created.Dipper pulled away from Will's lips and stared at Will for a minute before Will breaking the silence."Wha-,Why w-would you d-do tha-at?!"Will shouted,This made Dipper expression change to Calm and Smooth to Angry and Aggressive,Making Will realize what he said and Him wanting to go into the corner and die."Why?"Dipper said in a deep threatening voice,Will started to whimper again not knowing what to do but cry and sit there."Why,Is because I love you!"Dipper shouted at that top of his lungs.Will whimper even more,He knew Dipper only say that to lure someone to their death or sometimes will just use them for something he wants to get or steal,just like what he did to Pacifica,even he loves Dipper he still wouldn't believe him."LIER!"Will scream making his throat hurt and breaking his voice.Dipper flinch in shock when Will scream 'LIER'.He stand up and got confused.He thought Will loves him,but he guess he was wrong.He look away and starting walking towards the door before glancing back to Will.Will just sat there still whimpering."I wish you knew,I'm not lying to you anymore"Dipper murmured.

Will eyes widen,of course,Will heard that.Dipper turn his head back again towards the door and continued to walk right to it.When Dipper start twisting the knob,Will got up and pounce on Dipper's back making the both of them fall on the floor.Will cried and hid his face on Dipper's chest and started to scream "Sorry,Sorry,Sorry".Dipper on the other hand just laid there and let Will on top of him.He grin and whisper."I love you"


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