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"Sam, please stop's no use"

you say as Sam reads every and each book Bobby has, from English to Japanese, in order to find a way to save you. he ignores you as he closes a book and gets another one on his hands. you walk to him and take the book from his hands. he didn't even seem to notice it until he was reading thin air.

"Sam! stop!"

"(y/n), what you mean stop!? i have to find a way to save you!"

he says and gets up. he was way, way taller than you, thing that made you wanna jump and kiss him from the first time you met. you had a thing for tall men, you couldn't resist. despite you were going to die, you were cool and no worries were in your head. you had done a deal with a demon to save Sam. you gave him your soul but instead of a year you got a month to live with him. you actually didn't care you were going to die. you had saved Sam, that was the only thing you wanted.

"why did you even made a deal with a demon for my soul?! you shouldn't have! how could you?! how you think I'm going to leave knowing that inside me is the reason you died?!"

"Sam, I wanted you to have my soul. I'm just a useless human....but you, you save people every day"

as you say he comes closer and touched your cheeks bringing his face closer to yours. tears start felling from his eyes.

"but I don't want to lose you"

you touch his hands and some tears come from your eyes.

"Sam, I'll always be here, I'll always watch after you, but..... you have to promise me that you won't bring me back"

you knew that every time someone was brought back from the dead it didn't end good. you didn't want to hurt someone, especially your friends. Sam came closer to you and touched your cheek. his face was so close to yours, his nose barely touching yours. you could feel his hot breathing and his eyes looking straight at yours. you and Sam were very close friends but it seemed like he wanted to be more. he leaned his head and kissed you. he wasn't pushing you to kiss him back, he didn't care if you didn't love him back, he just wanted to feel you before you should go. you kissed him back and wrapped your hands around him. he moved his kisses to your neck and you closed your eyes. then he moved back and looked at you.

"I'm sorry (y/n), but that's a promise I won't be able to keep"

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