i love you...

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"he's drinking what!!!?"

you say as reality hits you hard

"...demon blood.. "

Cas says and signs.

"we have to tell him that I'm ok, so he stops!"

you get closer to him with your eyes wide open and full of worry. he looks at you, feeling how upset you are. he signs and holds your hand, he hits his fingers and you are outside of a creepy building.

"where are we? "

you ask as you look around.

"outside of an abandoned hospital, Sam is inside.."

when he says that you instantly run inside but before you can enter the hospital cas grabs your hand and stops you.

" ...I have to warn you that he has taken a lot of demon blood and now it might be possible for him not to recognize you"

"no... he loves me and I love him, he will recognize me"

you say and you get it. you and cas search for him. you look around and get up the stairs. Cas follows you as he's afraid you might hurt yourself. as you keep getting up you hear the sound of beating.

"tell me how I'll find her!!!! "

it's Sam! you hear him screaming and beating someone. you hurry and get up the stairs, feeling so excited and happy you'll finally see Sam again. you reach the room he is. he still hasn't see you. you see him and a person chained on a chair with a lot blood. you realize that person is a demon because of his eyes. he continues beating him.

"Sam!!! stop! I'm back! "

you walk closer and smile to him. he looks at you shocked, not able to believe his own eyes. you get closer and you're right in front of him. you try to touch his cheek but he grabs your hand and throws you down. he holds you hands down and takes his knife out, threatening to stub you. you breath heavily as you see him getting the knife closer to your face.

"Sam?!! it's me!! (y/n) !!"

you say as you try to make him recognize you.

"you're lying!!! "

he says and presses the knife on your neck. you take a big breath as your tears make it difficult for you to breath. he glares at your eyes with so much anger and pain. you are sure that he's gonna run his knife through your neck so you close your eyes and whisper

" I love you..."

you squeeze your eyes waiting for your death, but you feel two hands holding you. you open your eyes and see a worried castiel in front of you.

"why did you do that?! what would have happen to you if I hadn't found you?!"

you sigh and get up.

"I don't  know what's went wrong? he seemed like he didn't even know me"

"I told you that the demon blood is changing him, making him more violent and tempered......"

he pauses looking away.

"what?... cas?  what is it? "

"...I can take the demon blood off him but he won't let me get close to him"

you were so happy and excited to heat that there was a way to get the demon blood out of him, without locking him in the room Bobby had made. but you knew that he wouldn't let you or Cas get close to him. you weren't going to give up though.

Supernatural Sam x Reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon