that's all that matters

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"at least he have to try, we can't just leave him "

you say worried and try to make Cas feel you.

"(y/n), believe me, Sam is my friend and I want the best for him but he won't let me get close to him, or even listen me"

"we don't have to, we can call Dean to help us. we could hold him ,like you did to Dean when he was a demon, until you cure him"

Cas looked at you and nodded you. you got your phone and called Dean.

".....(y/n) !!?"

"we need to talk "


"oh (y/n), I'm so happy to see you!"

the moment you opened the door Dean hugged you. you hugged him back as you had missed him too.

"I'm happy to see you too Dean"

Dean steps back and asks you.

"but, I saw you, you were dead"

"I was, buuuut....."

you say and lift your right sleeve. in your arm there's a mark of a human arm, the same Dean had when Castiel, gripped him tight and raised him from perdition.

"...oh, ok then.....soooo what's the plan!"

Dean asks and Cas comes to you.

"risky and probably gonna kill us all"

He sighed

"jeez, very inspirating! "

you say and give him a sharp look, and continue.

" the plan is to hold Sam for as long as we can, in order Cas could cure him from the demon blood"

"anything to save my brother"
Dean says and looks at you.


"can you track him?"

you ask Castiel.

"yes, he's close"

he answers and Dean and you follow him. you walk through a playground and enter to a local park. The park is full of tall trees and the darkness makes it impossible for you to see. Dean takes out a flash light and turns it on.

"wait! maybe that's not a good idea...."

"oh come on, his one and we are three, I got your back"

Dean teases you and laughs sarcastic. you keep walking and ignore him. this time Dean hears some bricks breaking and quickly turns his flashlight at the direction the sound came from. You think he is just teasing you and keep asking with Cas, but then he stops.

"He's here"

you panic and look around. there's silence, the kind of silence in a horor movie where a freaking cat jumps on the screen. your heart beats start getting faster and faster, not because you were afreaud, you were just worried if the plan was going to work. as you try to see harder, you feel Sam falling on you and pushing you down. Dean quickly grabs him off you and holds him on a tree.

"Dude! it's us!!! wake up! "

Dean says and turns the flashlight to Sam. Cas helps you up and you're shocked from what you face. Sam was no longer himself, his eyes were black and he was growling to you.

"do it Cas, now!!! "

Dean yells as he can't hold on Sam for a long time. Cas walks next to Dean and raises his hand to Sam. Sam keeps growling and knuckling. "I can't cure him in that way, he must be calm! "
Cas says as he attempts again,but fails. you step closer and stop next to Dean. in front of you there wasn't Sam, there was a monster that was threatening to take him away from you forever. you gulp as his sight scares you, but, you must be brave for him. you move your hands and reach his cheeks. He hits his head around to get your hands away. you squeeze a little more your touch and make him look at you.

"'s ok Sammy, I'm right here, I'm not leaving you.."

you say and you kiss his forehead. for a moment he seems confused and frozen. you smile to him and he stares your eyes. Cas takes the chance and quickly touches Sam's forehead. His eyes light blue and his wings appear. Sam struggles to get free but Dean and you don't let go of him. He screamed and his eyes turn green again and he faints. Dean softly slaps him and wakes him up. Sam looks up and sees his brother ready to cry.

"what's going on....?"

Sam asks but Dean doesn't answer him and pulls him into a hug. Sam confused hugs Dean back and looks at you. you had a big smile in your face and you were crying. Dean let go and hugs Cas.

"thank you"

he says and Cas slowly hugs him back. Sam turns to you.

"really now what's going on?..."

you don't answer to him and quickly hug him and kiss him. you close your eyes and tears keep falling. he hugs you and kisses you back. you finaly had your Sammy back!!! you step back and look at him smiling with your cheeks full of tears.

"you're back...and that's all that matters!"

That's it, this story if finally finished!!!! Thank you all for your support and I hope you liked my story 😘😀😀

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