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The girls toted me around like that for a while, but I was never quite brave enough to hang out with the guys. They seemed judgemental, especially of me, so my gut reaction was to avoid them. Emily quickly spotted a flaw in this system.

"They're gonna think you're gay," she pointed out to me. "And, Sam, I'm pretty sure you're not."

"It's better than them hating me," I replied. We sat next to each other on her bed, where the usual "benefits" had recently ended. "Especially Ian. I think he wants me dead."

"He might," Emily conceded. "But will he do anything about it?" She clicked her tongue and shook her head, swinging her long, bare legs off of the bed. Standing up, she smiled devilishly at me from behind her phone. "Let's go to the lake. And let's invite all my friends. Boys included."

"Nope. I'm not going." I rose to retrieve my shirt and shorts off of the floor, but Em swiftly weak-kneed me back onto the bed.

"Karina will be there. And she'll be drunk, and you'll be drunk. Which gives you a much better chance of getting up in her junk." Em clapped her hands together delightedly. "That rhyme was excellent."

"Hardly. But I'll go. For Karina. Not to get up in her junk. To try and talk to her." I glared at Em pointedly, but she was preoccupied with wriggling into a band t-shirt.

Emily sighed in faux-wistfulness. "How perfectly charming. You should take a nap or something, you'll need lots of energy." She leaned down to give me a quick kiss on the cheek. "That means go home."

I scoffed at her bluntness and got dressed, giving her a cutting look. "Tell your friends to be nice."

"Don't be a baby," she replied dismissively. "I can't make them nice. Liquor, however, can. You'll be fine."

I paused with my hand on the doorknob, glancing back to see the smirk that graced her glowing, brown face. "Do you promise they won't kill me?"

Em laughed. "What's a promise from me worth?" Twirling a strand of her wild hair around her finger, she waltzed over to peck me chastely on the lips. "Get out of here. See you at...ten?"


Just around 9:50, as I quietly left Aunt Clara's house, my phone rang. I stopped in the middle of her lawn to glance down at my mom's contact announcing itself on the screen.

"Hey, Mom? What's up?" I stuffed my free hand in my pocket and rocked on my heels.

"Hi, honey. Are you enjoying yourself out there? Behaving?" In the background, I heard muted voices, and understood why she'd called. My mom was inherently nervous, and called on me to be her solace in social settings. In New York, she kept me close to her during gatherings and events, so it made sense that she would choose the next best option to calm her nerves: hearing my voice.

"Of course, Mom," I replied, rolling my lip between my teeth. In a brief flash of irrational paranoia, I wondered if she could see through the lie. But, that was ridiculous. "The kids here are cool. Miss you, though."

Mushy things like that were just what my mother needed to hear. "Oh, Sammy," she sighed. "I can't wait for you to come home. I miss you so, so much. Your dad does, too, but he's too busy to talk on the phone."

"Tell him hey for me." I squinted at Em's house, where her bedroom light flickered off.

"I will. Listen, I've got to go, honey, but I'm wiring you a little extra money, just in case." Em appeared on her Nan's porch and started toward me. I gave her a silent wave, which she returned with a cool nod of her head.

"You didn't have to do that, Mom, I-"

"I'm your mother, of course I did. Goodnight, Sammy. I love you!" Kissy noises came through the speaker, and I grimaced in embarrassment although no one could hear.

"I love you, too," I replied, grimacing as Em smirked teasingly. I hung up and glared at her. "You heard nothing."

"Bye, Mooooommy," Em cooed, completely ignoring my protest. "I love you, Mooooooommy." She danced around me, blowing kisses wildly. "Come on, Sammybaby. Let's go. We're burning moonlight." She ran across the two yards, her hair streaming behind her in a wild, undulating mass, and ducked into her car, motioning for me to follow.

A/N the 1975's concert was lit last night honestly it was the greatest experience ever I don't think I'll ever forget it
anyway don't forget to vote (I get so many more reads than votes) and comment!

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