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I was tangled in Finn's white sheets when my phone buzzed obnoxiously. It was somewhere near one, but I still felt dead tired. I scooted away from the sleeping boy next to me and flipped over the phone. A missed call from Cass announced itself on the screen.

"Are you with Finn?" she asked as soon as she picked up.

I looked over my shoulder at the curve of his tan back. "Yeah."

My best friend thought this through. "Can you ditch him?"

I didn't even hesitate. "Of course."

"Okay, because Ian's looking for you. No lie."

I sighed. "He always is." I tossed an apathetic glance at the Hispanic boy that slept beside me. So many boys, so little time.

"You said he was hot."

"He's wierd."

"You're playing hard to get."

"Have you heard his music? Imagine a car ride with him."

Cassidy giggled on the other end. "But you'd do him."

I scoffed. "In a heartbeat. Where are you guys, anyway?"


"Gross." Dana lived on a farm, which meant the smell wasn't stellar. Still, the barn was killer for parties, and you couldn't hear anything that went on from the house.

Cass laughed again. "Whatever. Be here fast, okay?" Before we hung up, I remembered what I'd wanted to tell her. "Hey, Cass."


"My neighbor's nephew, he's visiting from New York. So your type. Want me to bring him along?"

"If you can, sure. Thanks."

"No problem." We hung up, and I carefully tiptoed out of bed, sliding on my clothes and heading out into the heat to start my car.

Cassidy Leigh is one of the worst-behaved girls in Edston, but she does love a good boy. While I'll always be the débutante type (in mannerisms but not in conduct), Cass is more trailer park darling, so it makes her very attracted to proper gentlemen, which are a rarity around here. To find one that's actually cute? You might as well look for a four leafed clover.

I drove to Miss Clara's and knocked on the door hesitantly. It swung open almost immediately, and I was met by a bed head and cut abs. I cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Uhm. Hey. Do you want to go somewhere?"

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