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It took a while for me to come to terms with the fact that I was quickly developing feelings for the wild-haired bad girl next door. But every time I saw the scene in my mind- her lying on the ground in the thin white dress, the sun making her skin golden and luminescent- I knew I was a goner.

And of course, I knew she wouldn't reciprocate any feelings. Em had told me herself that she wasn't the relationship type. And besides that, I was too boring to be anything more than a friend with benefits. When I kissed her in the field, she felt nothing; at least, no emotion she had let show on her face.

The smart thing to do was to realize I was playing a dangerous game, and quit while I was ahead. But the part of me that was infatuated with her said that something was better than nothing. Most guys would kill to kiss the girl they liked, and I was sleeping with Em. So, in my head it made sense to pretend no feelings were involved.

I walked alone across the yard and up the porch steps. It was only seven, so I was safe from Aunt Clara seeing me come back.

"Hey," I greeted the raven-haired girl sitting up in my bed, scrolling on her phone. She responded with a faint smirk before patting the space on the mattress next to her.

When I sat down, Karina reached over and planted a kiss on my cheek. "I was pretty upset that I didn't wake up next to you," she told me, peppering me with little butterfly kisses. They didn't leave my skin burning, not like Emily's kisses did. But I let her continue, even reciprocating when she guided my face to hers and kissed me on the lips.

After a while, I broke away from the kiss. "We should go before my aunt wakes up. I'll see if Em will let me use her car to take you home."

Karina stared up at me with a smirk. "Okay, Sam," she drawled. "But you have to take me for breakfast first."


I immediately regretted coming to the same diner Emily had taken me to after the first night I spent with her. Of course it was a haunt for local teens. And of course Cass was there.

Her smile rose and fell as she spotted me, and then Karina draped upon my arm. The blonde swallowed a greeting, her eyes skittishly flitting away from mine as quickly as they had found me. Cass swiveled her stool so that she faced the counter, where she sat alone.

"Wonder what's up with her," Karina said in a voice that sounded anything but innocent. She pulled me roughly into a booth, cozying up into my shoulder before calling, "Hey, Cass."

Cass glanced over her shoulder, making eye contact with me accidentally before she faced the counter. "Hey, Karina," she replied weakly.

Karina smirked, making a show of cuddling close to me when she noticed her so-called friend glancing at us from the corner of her eye. I was sufficiently disgusted with how snarky she was, knowing Cass had liked me.

She ordered a plate of hotcakes for us to share, and stared at me as I chewed. "So, you're staying the whole summer, huh?" Karina asked, slowly chewing on a mouthful of syrupy pancake.

"Yeah," I replied. I discreetly checked the time on my phone. It was already past noon, and I felt myself craving Emily's company.

"Cool," Karina said, and we fell into an awkward silence that lasted until I paid the bill, took her to the car and drove her home.

When I pulled up to the driveway, I expected Karina to hop out and go into her house. Instead, she reached over the center console and kissed me, her hand finding itself purposefully on my upper thigh.

"I had a great time with you last night," she purred, her deep brown eyes hooded. Her mouth formed the beginnings of her cool smile. "We'll do it again sometime." Before I could answer, or deny her, she was out of the car, swinging her hips as she strutted down the driveway.

I drove off feeling frustrated. Everything was too confusing. I had been pining after Karina, taking out all those...hormones out on Emily, which led me to catch feelings for her. Now, Karina finally was into me, and I was distracted by the girl with the wild hair and the cool smirk.

I just needed a break. Something to clear my mind. Because right then, Emily had it reeling.

worst behaviorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora