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I stared after the swinging hips of the caramel-faced girl, my face growing warm and undoubtedly red. Fingers running through my hair, I stood and blew out a long, confused sigh. This was not how things should go with girls.

I was pretty popular at my prep school. I wasn't a player, more of the nice-guy meet the parents type, but I had my fair share of dates. And they'd all been lovely, preppy, New Yorker nice girls.

This was not a nice girl.

It was a very nice kiss, though. The best ever. She smelled nice, too.

I straightened my now-wrinkled shirt and headed down the steps, still flushed from Em's kiss. I was decidedly too embarrassed to ever see her again, but I had to go down there, now, and eat.

The women were waiting for me at the long wooden dining table. Miss Evalina and Aunt Clara were engaged in gossip, and Em's eyes had turned as bored and contemptuous as they had been when she first arrived. I sat down next to her, but she didn't even acknowledge me. It made me kind of upset.

"What was that?" I asked her in a low whisper. I stabbed my fork into a piece of steamed broccoli a little too violently.

One of her long fingers weaved its way through a single one of her curls. "What?" she asked innocently, even batting her lashes at me.

"What you did," I hissed. "Why'd you do that? Why'd you kiss me?"

"Because I felt like it."

"You can't just kiss people whenever you feel like it!"

Em cocked her head to the side. "You're telling me you didn't want to kiss me?" She raised her eyebrow.

I nodded petulantly, clinging desperately to my lie.

Her face broke into a grin. "Liar."

I stayed silent, and she shrugged her shoulders. She didn't pay any more mind to me until the meal was over.

"Lovely seeing you, Clara," cooed Miss Evalina, and Aunt Clara replied with something débutante-like.

Em stuck out her hand for me to shake. Her smile was prim and plastic again. "Nice meeting you," she said, and she was out the door. Like nothing ever happened.

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xx janai

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