Chapter 3

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            The next day, my back was almost completely pain free. I was in a great mood when I got to school, and it improved when I spotted Rachel and David walking towards me. “Hey guys!”

            They both looked up and Rachel gave me a huge smile. She pulled away from David and bounced up to me, pulling me into a hug. I managed not to wince when she squeezed me tightly, even though it caused a few twinges in my back. “Hailey! I’m so happy to see you!”

            “Um, good to see you too?” I said with slight confusion as I pulled away from her.

            “I’m having a party this weekend and I was hoping you could come. You can bring your boyfriend as well.”

            I felt my blood freeze in my veins. “Sorry Rachel, I don’t go to parties. I’m not that kind of girl.”

            She pouted. “Aw, come one! It’ll be lots of fun and it’ll be a good way for you to meet more people around here.”

            I shook my head vehemently. “No, but thank you for the invitation.”

            I think she was going to argue again, but David placed a hand on her shoulder. “Rach, she doesn’t like parties. Drop it, okay?”

            She sighed, but agreed. “Fine. But you have to come hang out some other time then.”

            I smiled with relief. “Sure, I can handle that.” The warning bell rang and we all quickly started heading to our classrooms. Rachel’s room came up first, and she kissed David goodbye quickly before bouncing away.

            I chuckled as I watched her. “She sure is bubbly, isn’t she?”

            David smiled affectionately. “Yeah, she really is. I don’t know where she gets all that energy from. She hates sitting still for more then five minutes and she’s not very organized. But I love her anyways.”

            I smiled. “I can tell. You two are really cute together.” We reached my biology room. “This is me. See you in math?”

            David nodded and wandered off to his own class. I entered my classroom and went straight to the same seat I’d been in yesterday. Blake was sitting in his spot and I put my bag down carefully before sliding onto my stool. I turned to him as soon as I was seated. “I’m sorry for snapping at you yesterday.”

            I think he was surprised, but it was hard to tell because of the damn sunglasses. But his lips quickly turned down again. “Let me guess. You found out about my disability, so now you feel bad for how you treated me.”

            “No, I feel bad because I was a bit of a bitch. Granted, you were an ass to me first, but then you asked if I was okay and I snapped at you. So, I’m sorry for doing that.”

            He was silent for a moment. “Fine.”

            I waited a beat. “What, no apology for being an ass?”


            “You know, it’s a lot easier to get through life if you at least try to be pleasant.”

            “I don’t give a shit.”

            “Stop being a dick. It doesn’t suit you.”

            That shut him up briefly. “How the hell would you know?”

            “It doesn’t suit anyone. Duh.”

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