Diapers and Lippies

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I'm so sorry for the delay of posting this on this account but finally, here it is.

I dedicate this first chapter, my entry for AMACon, to #HiFriends and everyone who fell in love with Calla Abigail when they read D&L. thank you for your wonderful comments here on WP and on twitter, i appreciate it all.

- A


Maine huffed as she dragged her heavy suitcase to fall in line. Her day started off bad and she can only hope that it'll get better. She woke up late that morning because she didn't hear her alarm through the rain pelting on her window and the cold air made her get cozier with her bed. When she came to, she realized she only had four hours before she's supposed to leave the country. When she hailed a cab, she asked the driver to take her to the airport as fast as he can and she's willing to pay extra if she has to.

She did, because he drove in unfamiliar, tight streets but he got there in just an hour. That's the only good thing that had happened so far because her legs got wet when he accidentally splashed her when he pulled away from the curb after she paid him.

Please let me leave, she prayed in her head, I need this time off. Her work, she's an assistant to a fashion mogul, has been hectic for the past month and she had been in non-stop meetings for the magazine her boss owns. She was surprised she was even granted the one-month leave she requested; but it had a catch. She had to photograph every celebrity she'd see and encounter so she can pass them to the company's writers for them to come up with multiple articles that'll hopefully last till next year's festival. She agreed immediately; she just wanted to get out of there.

The lady at the counter called for the next guest, which was Maine, and she pulled her suitcase next to her. The woman (Loraine it said on her nametag) smiled at her which she found too sweet for her liking, her sour mood made her irritated with everything.

"Hello, ma'am," Loraine greeted. "How can I help you?"

"Where can I check in my luggage? Which counter should I go to?" she asked.

"Your destination please."

"Los Angeles. LAX," Maine replied.

Loraine frowned and turned to her computer. She typed a few things then dialed the phone and talked for a few minutes. Maine tapped her foot, the heel of her heels made loud noises, her irritation bordering on madness. She can't be late for this flight because if she is, she'll be late for the one she have at LAX to bring her to Palm Springs then the shuttle to Indio. She then planned to take a cab to the house she and her friends decided to rent throughout the festival to stay in.

Now that she thought of it, why didn't she fly with them? Why did she ask to stay back a few more days before going? Oh yeah, because she wanted to meet the cute guy she chatted up on a dating site her friends registered her in as a joke because they decided that it's time for her to enter the dating scene. She met up with him, spent the night in bed then made a quick escape the morning after. She'd been single for so long that it sort of scared her to venture into a proper relationship. She just left a note before she went on her merry way.

And now she's suffering the consequences. Great.

Loraine cleared her throat to pull Maine out of her reverie and she faced the clerk, who had an apologetic smile. Oh no, Maine thought, oh no. Please don't be bad news, I need to leave!

"I'm sorry, ma'am," Loraine started and Maine dropped her head on the counter, "but your flight is delayed until further notice."

"Is there any available flight to L.A.? any airline?" she asked, her head still down.

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