The Story Behind the Famous Ferard Kiss(my version)

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It was six am and mcr had to leave for a tour ealy in the morning so gee was up got on his skinny jeans and a tshirt and got his coffee, making his way out to the van. the first tour spot was 4 and a half hours away. The drive was pretty normal just him and frank watching you tube together on his phone and drawing comic book characters. They arrived at this diner for some lunch and to stretch their legs from the long drive. Gerard had gotten a large mountain dew and a hamburger. They had a half hour till the concert so they drove over to the place where the concert was being held. There was a signing and shit like that gong on before they performed and gee was tired so he drank another coffee during the signing. They were now on stage and Had begun to sing thank you for the venom. it was now 1:30 pm . About an hour later after like 3 cups of water it hit gee like a train that he HAD to go to the bathroom. like now. All that coffee annd mountain dew had cought up to him. It hit him so hard he had to cross his legs in th middle of singing Skylines and turnstiles. He really thought he was gonna explode right then and there and he feared if he uncrossed his legs he would. he didnt even think he could get from the stage to the bathroom in time. He made it through the song and just kind of stood there for a minute before realizing that the others had already started playing the next song and he couldnt leave to go to the bathroom. Hid brain was screaming at him letting him know that he would not make it if he didnt leave with in the next 5 minutes. The song took almost 4 minutes and he wasliterally on the brink of urinating all over the stage and his super skinny jeans which were digging into his waist making it a whole lot harder to hold it in. AS soon as the song ended gee ran as fast as he possibly could backstage to the restrooms only to find they were closed fro cleaning. He felt his pee about to come out. The pain was unreal. he ran so fucking fast to the room where they had been able to put their stuff and relax. KNowing he didnt have more than 10 seconds before he would burst. Not even 2 seconds after he shut the door his stomach got a huge wave of pain and a small stream flowing onto his skinny jeans. He just stood there trying desperately to hold it in. He just looked down at the growing stain on his jeans. HEw as still trying to hold it, seeing that his jeans were already soaked but he hadnt even emptied like 10 percent of his bladder. He knew it was going to make a huge mess. After about 30 seconds of this torture HIs bladde had had enough and just expolded everywhere with gees hands tightly grasping hid=s crotch trying to stop it. Frank walked in to see why gerard wasnt onstage ( the others were keeping the fans entertained) When he walked in all he saw was gerard in the corner with his legs crossed s otightly and his hands clutching his crotch crying his face bright red with beads of sweat on it. Gerard was crying and wimpering with so much pain and sorrow in them. All he could make out was i cant hold it frank im trying so hard but i cant hold it. His wimpering was so sad frank had to help. He came over and told gee it was okay and to just let it go it would be ok. Assuring gerard he knew how hard it was and that he had already gone a little so it wouldnt make a difference. Gee let out a huge sigh and cried watching the liquid gushh through his pants soaking them and the floor and wall he was leaning on. FAnk hugged him trying to comfort him. Gerard was so embarassed, he was fat out sobbing now just leaning into franks shoulder letting his tears soak franks shirt it was over he felt his stomach ache from how hard it was to hold all that urine inside of him. He was exhausted. Frank just stood there holding him and watching the puddle ont the hard wood floor grow bigger by the second andd gees cries grow more intense the bigger it grew. He could see how sad gee was at the fact that he couldnt make it to the bathroom on time. All gerard cold think was how close he was to frank that frank would do this for him i mean anyone else would just make fun of him or yell at him for being so careless not to use the bathroom before. He felt tired and weak And the only thing good he felt was the warmth of franks arms around him and how much he really did love this dude. FRank got up and picked up gerards bag to find him another pair of jeans, but as soon as he let go of gerard gerard cried harder and just fell to his kneesin the puddle sobbing and covering his eyes with his hands. Frank hurried and set the jeans on a couch int the room. He then went out to the janitors closet to get a few towels. He also got a bucket from there and filed it with water from the hose outside the concert place. He came back and gerard hadnt moved he just sobbed harder and harder. When frank came in gerard just lookedup and saw what he had gotten and just softly wimpered "l..l..lockk the door f..ff.. frankie". Frank did as he was told and went over to get gee standing back up again. Gerard was now just crying softly and trying to take of the uncomfortable jeanscovering his legs. He shivered after they were off and then asked frank to hand him a towel. Frank grabbed the bucket dipped the towel in it and started to clean up gees legs while gee put his hands on franks shoulders. Frank then got to gees dick and cleaned a little slower. Gee let out a moan in between cries and tensed up. " you like that gerard" Frank asked. Gerard just said oh ffff fuck yyyeah dddaddyy. he then told frank to hurry so they could get back onstage to finish the show. frank hurried up and gee got his new clean jeans on. Then put the other towels on the puddle and throwing them in a huge laundry basket int he hallway. He had calmed down a little but was still having sharp breaths here and there due to so much crying. Frank hugged him and led him to the stage again even though his face was red as heck from crying and effort of holding it too long and too intensely. They had finished A few more songs when gerard out of no where ran up to frank grabbed his hair and kissed him right then and there on stage. Frank was a little surprised at first but dropped his guitar and grabbed gee back.....


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