Blood Moon Ball

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It was the second last class of the week, a flaming skeletal horse drawn carriage appeared in the handicap spot and a three eyed demon walked out of the carriage.
"Hey dude you can't park there, it's a handicap spot." Oskar pointed out as the demon walked away.
Star and Janna were in math class, Marco in the nurses office due to a hockey ball to the groin. The three eyed demon kicked in the door and walked up Star. "Tom!!"
"Star I'm here to ask you to the Blood moon ball, please say yes 1 in 667 year chance." Tom asked before Star took him by the shoulders and pushed all the way back to his carriage. "No. No. No." Star said as she pushed him.
Janna ran up to Tom, tripped him and sat on his chest. "Umm Janna that's Tom." Star said as she pulled Janna of the demon. "Tom as in demon ex-boyfriend, that Tom?" Janna asked as soon as Tom was on his feet.
"Yeah." Star sighed and shoved Tom into his carriage.
"Here take this just in case you change your mind." Tom handed Star a small bell and a tiny hammer. "Just ring the bell and someone will come to pick you up." He said before his carriage disappeared.

(After School at Marco's house)

"So what happened in maths?" Marco asked hoping to find out what he needed to catch up on.
"A three eyed demon named Tom barged into the room and asked Star to a ball." Janna said looking out of the window.
"What???" Marco practical screeched and the two girls jumped out of their skins.
"Chill Marco it's not like Star is going to say yes. Right Star." Janna said trying to calm Marco down.
"Ummmm..... actually I'm going." Star replied before going to her closet and picking out a dress.
"What?" Both Marco and Janna said looking shocked at Star.
"What? It's not like there is a soul binding magic that only works during the Blood moon, that will make the ones dancing under the moonlight bounded for eternity." Star said nonchalantly as she got dressed behind the magical mirror, both Marco and Janna had their backs to her (Janna kept trying to peek behind her only to be caught by Marco). "There all done what do you think?" Star asked.
Marco blushed and Janna hugged her. "Cute." They both said, Star smiled before slipping out of Janna's hug. "Don't go." The two whispered before Star rung the bell. "I'm so going." Star said while she waited for her transport.

Marco & Janna sat around moping and eating corn chips.
"We should totally follow her." Janna said standing up. "But first we need disguises." Marco said in agreement. "I'm going to change and find you something to change into." Marco said as he left the room and went to his.

Marco locked his door and let the spell drop, he fluttered his wings. "Now if I only shift halfway and dress in one of those costumes dad keeps buying, but what about Janna?" He hovered off the ground in thought before looking for the old book of Tsumetai oni spells he kept hidden in the rafters of his room, he kept it up there so Star doesn't find it. "Ah, a temporary demon form. That will work for Janna." Marco said with a smile, he changed his wings colour to a blood red and made his tail disappear again. He dressed and carried the book down to the kitchen, he called out for Janna to join him.
Marco's parents were out on one of their date nights and so Marco wasn't worried about them finding out about the book.

Janna turned into kitchen and almost went to attack Marco. "Marco??" She asked and he simply nodded. "How?" She asked before noticing the book. "Is that Star's spell book?" Janna asked.
"It is not and Star cannot know about this book. I have found a temporary disguise for you, I just need a few things." Marco said as he opened the book to the spell, Janna took a look and noticed one ingredient that was different from the others.
"Where are we going to get demon blood?" Janna asked before Marco sliced his finger on 'accident' he turned to Janna. "Ow, I think that my blood will work with the way I look now. If it doesn't work then I can find you one of mum's old dresses." He said as he turned back around to finish getting the ingredients together.
Marco placed everything in the blender and made a drink. Once the blender was done he got a glass, he poured the drink in the glass then let his blood drop on top six times.
Janna look at the glass apart from the blood on top it looked like a banana smoothie, she looked at the page and read the chant she was a spose to say before downing the drink.
"Ready?" Marco asked, she nodded and breathed out.
"Thy wiken Janna tenco oni fosta bengany!" Janna said then drunk as much of the drink as she could.

After ten minutes Janna's teeth started to hurt and so did her spine. Ten more minutes past and Janna had red slitted eyes, a month full of pointed teeth (two poked out form her top lip, vampire like.) and two lion like tails that matched her hair in colour.
"So did it work?" Janna asked not noticing that her tails were wagged behind her.
"Well if you look behind you I think you will have your answer." Marco said with a snicker, she turned around and found her tails wagging. She ran upstairs to the bathroom to look in the mirror.
Marco went up to but stopped into his room to hide the book. "Soooo... do you think we will be found out?" He asked Janna as he put the mask on.
"You won't but I will. If only I had a dress." Janna said before Marco slipped into his room again, he came out with a purple and black dress that looked like it was ment for ballroom dancing. "And you just happened to have one?"
"It's ether this or I can go find one of my mum's old sala dresses." As soon as Marco said that Janna snatched the dress and pushed him out the door muttering something about matching shoes. Once Janna came out Marco had found the shoes that goes with the dress.
"Ready to crash a party?" Janna asked Marco while leading him to Star's room. "As ready as I'm going to be." Marco said as she rung the bell, the demon from appeared asked where to. "To the Blood moon ball, we are kina running late."

By the time Marco & Janna had entered the ballroom Star & Tom were dancing together, so the two started dancing their way towards them. Janna's tails swayed in time with the music and Marco had lost himself to the music.

Just as the Blood moon reached it's peek both Tom and Star's hands were taken by the Demon couple that was dancing next to them. Tom growled slightly at the male winged demon as the female two tailed demon danced with Star.
The light of the moon hit the ruby and both pairs were enveloped in a red glow, as Tom danced with the male he noticed that the wings turned brown and a tail had appeared. When Tom locked eyes with his dance partner he saw four red eyes looking back, Tom no longer felt the overwhelming need to possess Star. Sure he still wanted her close to him but now it was like a really close friend that he was afraid of losing.
Tom couldn't stop himself from wondering if he had always felt this way or was it cause he just found his soulmate.

Star was slightly startled when the room went red but she was to enthralled with the she-demon dancing with her to stop.
Star wounded why said demon looked like her friends, apart from the teeth, eyes & tails. As the two danced the she-demon started becoming less demon like.

When the light started to fade both pairs of dancer's kissed, the crowd around them said their 'aww's and the room lit up like normal.

Marco ended the kiss before it got to intense, he looked about and saw that Janna had transformed back to human.
Tom noticed that he was no longer being kissed, he growled until he saw his soulmate looking at the female kissing Star with a worried look. He chuckled as realised that the two must of been magically disguised to hide from someone. "When the light from the blood moon is filtered thought the ruby above all magic dissipates. So you and your friend are in your natural forms." Tom said nuzzling the shorter male's shoulder.
Marco look horrified, not cause Janna was human again but because everyone can see what he truly is. He pushed Tom off him and flew out the door.

Janna & Star stopped kissing as something/ someone flew passed, they looked at Tom and saw he was standing there shocked.
"Hang on wasn't Marco dancing with that dude? Where did Marco go?" Janna asked out loud scanning the room before Star interrupted her thoughts. "You brought Marco here and let him dance with Tom?" Janna looked back at Star. "No, I mean yes but no." Star just press a finger to Janna's lips before walking towards Tom.
"Who was that? I didn't even know his name. Why was he scared, was it me?" Tom asked to no-one, Star walked up to him and answered some of his questions.
"That was Marco and he is from the dimension Earth, which is the dimension I'm currently residing until mother thinks that I've learned all the spells that I need to know." Star said as soon as she got close enough for Tom to hear.

~~~~~~~~~~ AN ~~~~~~~~~~

There will be a continuation of this chapter in the next one.
I just wanted to be done with this one seeing as It's 2am on my birthday and I decided to treat you guys to a chapter.

~ Till next time stay classy ^-^

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