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{this chapter takes place in the episode Mewberty. All the stuff still happened but it is Janna who goes though it}

It was Tuesday and Marco had a half day cause he knew that today was his shedding day and he didn't want Star to see, he thanked every higher being that he only shed once every three and a half years. Marco was waiting for the bus with Star when Janna walked up to them.

"Hey Marco, Star. Marco are you having a half day today." Janna asked.
Marco nodded. "Yeah, I have to go to the doctors and get my back checked out again, it's pilling off in huge chunks again." He said.
"Can I come?" Star asked and Marco shook his head.
"Not this time Star, maybe next time." He said smiling nervously, just before the bus stopped and they boarded it.

(At School, before class)

"Hey aren't you hot in that trench coat?" Janna asked Marco but he waved his hand to dismiss the inquiry.
"I've been hotter." He replied bluntly as he remembered the week his family took a vacation in the desert.
"Well I just hope you don't get heatstroke. We can't have the brains of this group frying his noggin, cause I don't think Star and I can be the brains." Janna said before noticing that Star was missing. "Hey Marco, where did Star go?"
"I don't know, probably staring at Oskar. Mum gave her a bracelet that helps us track her when she sleepwalks." He said taking a sip from his water bottle.
"She get's that bad?" Janna asked in disbelief and Marco nodded.
"Seeing as I'm not going to be here for most of the day, I'll get you the app that will help you track her if she goes missing. please turn you data on and hand me your phone." He asked as he took a sip from his drink bottle.
Janna nodded, did as she was asked and then handed her phone over to Marco. He typed in TrackMeNow into the app store and downloaded the right app.
"As soon as this is finished downloading I'll type in Star's tracking code, that way even if I'm not here you can find Star when she wanders off." Marco said to Janna just as the app finished downloading. He typed in '5T4R-105T' and pressed the track this code button. "There now you to are a Star Hunter." He said with a smirk.
The bell rang and the two friends went to class hoping that Star would be there.

(In Class)

"Welp, Star isn't here. You don't think she would skip school?" Janna whispered to Marco.
"No. Since she developed her crush on Oskar. She often drags me out of the bathroom to get to school, just to 'check up on' him." Marco whispered back with air quotations. "If she's not in the next class we'll look for her. Kay?" He said just as the teacher walked in.

(Next class)

"Okay this is ridiculous, we are going to look for her and drag her to class with us." Marco said in an angry tone but it was mostly hide the pain he was in.
"I forgot that you get angry when you're in pain." Janna said with a sigh. The two of them walk around the school looking for Star. Marco even asked Oskar if he had seen her, Oskar said he didn't think so.
As Marco walked in front of Janna, she noticed that he was leaving a slight blood trail. Every sixth step a drop would fall.
"Um, Marco you're bleeding." Janna said with concern.
"I've noticed, I was going to get mum to pick me after this class." He said to Janna.

After 20 minutes of scouring the school for Star, Janna made Marco call his mum to pick him up and she started up the TrackMeNow app. She followed the blue dot to some dude's locker.

(We all know what happens next so over to Marco and his wings)

Angie had driven the car and picked Marco up on her way to get an ingredient she was missing for tomorrow's breakfast.
"We are having chorizo hash browns for breakfast tomorrow." She informed Marco in hopes of getting a reply out of him but what she got was a weak grunt.
When Angie got to the school Marco was pale and leaning on Janna to stand with out falling on his ass. She had thanked Janna and lead Marco to the back of the car so he could lay down and stretch his wings.
Angie popped into the local fresh food market but not before making sure no-one could see Marco's wings or tail. 'I just need a few thing then I can help sooth Marco through his shedding. It looks like this one is going to be bad.' She thought to herself while looking for the stuff.
It took 10 minutes for Angie to find and buy the things she needed, when she got to the car Marco's wings where flared up and bloody skin still attached. "Oh my, are you okay baby?" She asked him as she put the groceries in the front with her. "Pain is ebbing now." He said with a groan Angie nodded and started to drive home.

( At home/ After school )

Marco was splayed over his bed wings out flat and covered by a sheet that has been soaking in fresh mint water*. He was lightly dozing when Star slammed the front door. "Marco you will not believe what happened today!" Star shouted as she bounded up the stairs.
Feeling sarcastic Marco replied with. "You when through a weird Mewni puberty and got wings." Not actually thinking it would happen.
"How did you know?" Star asked through the door.
"I thought of something that I would not believe that would happen to you. " He said then he asked "can you fly?
Star sighed "sadly I can not. It would seem that Mewman's wings serve no other purpose then to say that they went through Mewberty." She said with a sad tone.
"That would suck. I tell you what, when I stop peeling we can go fight Ludo's cronies. That all ways cheers you up." Marco said hoping that made Star smile, and smile she did.
"Soooooo, how long does it usually take for your back to stop peeling anyway?" Star asked.
"Anywhere from the 12 hours to a whole week. It depends on how soon my back starts to bleed. It's a pain really, I'm thankful that it only happens every 3,1/2 years." He said before saying that he was tired and wanted to sleep before his parents brought dinner into his room.
Star had been told that Marco'sroom was off limits until tomorrow, so she went to her room to talk to pony-head.

《                 DONE!!!!

* this is an actual remedy. What to do if you boil the mint in plain water let it cool. Then stick your hand or a washer into the water, it helps with peeling skin from eczema and some other skin conditions (not sunburns)》

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