Adventures with Star, Janna & Marco

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It had been six days since Marco was sick and three days since he came back to school. Of course he had court up with all the work Skullnick had left him to do before got back, so he was siting in his normal sit next to Star.
"So Janna, what are you doing this weekend?" Star asked said girl. "Nothing much, why?" Janna asked. "Star want's to know if you would like to go on an adventure with us." Marco said while Star gave him a hurt look. "What! I hate it when people beat around the bush." he said as he rubbed his temples. "why would someone beat a bush?" Star asked. "He means, he hates people who don't ask direct questions." Janna said with a smile. Skullnick entered the room "Alright we are going to have a pop quiz." Most of the students groaned as the papers were passed out.


Marco, Star and Janna sat at the same table. "I can't believe it only eight years to get you to sit at the same table as me." Janna said with a sad smile. "You where trying to get me to sit with you? I didn't know." Marco said in sad tone and his ears drooped. "I tried to avoid everyone until recently." He said before he took a bite of his sandwich. "Yeah, until Star showed up you avoided people like the plague." Janna said with a smile before stabbing a tomato with her fork. "Yeah well, before Star showed up I didn't feel confident enough to be around people." Marco said when he finished his sandwich. Star was about to say something when a terrible search for a electric keyboard rang though the school. Marco covered his ears. "It seems that Oskar is back." Both Marco and Janna said at the same time. Star walked towards the window and saw a brown haired boy with vampire like teeth and a keyboard sitting on the hood of a mustard orange car. "Who is that?" She asked Janna because Marco was currently curled into a ball in pain. "That is Oskar Greason, he has a record." Janna said as she took out a pair of noise reduction ear covers and handed them to Marco.

(After Lunch)

Marco wrote a note and handed it to the teacher. 'Sorry but I won't be able to hear what's going on in class until someone takes Oskar's keyboard off him (and hits him over the head with it several times).' The note said as Marco sat in his seat and started working from the text book, the teacher's eyes widened as she read the note and lauged at the end of it.
Star however was drooling as she thought about her and Oskar being a thing. It just so happen to be one of the class she had without Marco or Janna, and so she didn't focus on the work she was given.

(Home time)

Marco begrudgingly gave Janna back the ear covers and headed to his bus. "See you tomorrow at Marco's house, we will have a good time in another dimension." Star said as she waved Janna goodbye. "Lucky I gave Janna the home address in our last class otherwise she wouldn't know where to meet us." Marco said while rubbing his head in an attempt to make the headache stop before he got home.

(At home)

Marco sighed as he took his bag off and headed to the bathroom where he kept the panadol. He took two and went to lay down.
Star walked in the house after yelling at the postman for the fourth time this week. She put her bag down next to Marco's and headed to the kitchen for something to drink. "Hey Mrs. D, Marco said he was going to sleep off a headache and wants to be woken for dinner if he isn't up before hand." She informed Angie before wondering. "How can one sleep off a headache?" She said to herself as she gotten a glass of juice. Star went into her room just in time for her mum to call her on the mirror.
"Evening Star, how is everything?" Queen Butterfly asked. "Everything is good. Um, we should be quiet cause Marco has a headache and is trying to 'sleep it off'." Star said with air quotations around sleep it off. "I do hope to see him at lest once while your there but it would seem every time I contact you. He is ether sick, sleeping, doing homework or out." Queen Butterfly said with a disappointed look. "It's not his or my fault, Earth has shorter days then Mewni." Star replied while pouting. "Maybe you can see him tomorrow after Janna goes home. We are going to a human arcade." Star lied slightly as she knew that her mum wouldn't like the fact that she had dimensional scissors. "Then I look forward to tomorrow." The Queen said before disconnecting her call. Star sighed and fell on to her bed.

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