Chapter 1

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"Hey Janelle!" Corrine, my best friend, called to me.

I instinctively turned to see her waving her smartphone at me.

"Did you hear? Eric Miller just kissed Lucia Carlos in the canteen! Oh my gosh, they look so cute together..." Corrine gushed on and on.

 She was a bit more 'romantically inclined' than me. I rolled my eyes when I heard her say, "I wish someone did that to me too..." She had a thousand guy friends who would do that to her.

I glanced at my watch. 5.15 pm.

"Hey Corr, I gotta go, or my mum's gonna skin me alive. Text ya' when I get back!" i interrupted. Corr brightened. 

"Did you get that text? You know, from that fancy-schmancy Bodyguards' Association," she asked curiously.

I raised an eyebrow and searched for it in my phone. Aha!

"Yes, I did. Are you gonna accept it?" I remarked.

Corr rolled her eyes, and I tried not to laugh. 

"Duh! Anyway, Dayna and Donovan Harlin, Nick Delahoyd- that cute guy friend of yours!- got the text and they accepted !"

My eyes widened. "Corr! You don't know if that's a fake text 'cause-" Corrine cut me off.

"It's legit, girl. I googled it. Anyway, I already accepted it. Pease, please, please accept it for me?" 

I sighed. "Whatever, Corr." I clicked accept and a message flashed on the screen.

"Thanks! See you at 10 Wooton Street on 15 May!" I read it aloud.

"Bye Jann! Gotta run!" Corr yelled and sprinted off, ducking and weaving through the students.

I sighed and continued home.

On the way home, I started rapping the latest single from my fave band, Hitchhiker(whose leader, Benjamin Walker, is super cute), 'Dance to the Beat'. 

"Let's dance to the beat, kick the shoes off ya' feet, kiss before we let go, fly before we fall low."

 I had developed a preference for their kind of catchy pop tunes.

I danced along the street, and stumbled(okay, maybe crashed) into a stranger, my head colliding with his nose.

"Ouch!" I winced. 

The guy rubbed his nose and removed his sunglasses.

Oh my gosh, I was staring right into the eyes of...

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