Chapter 16

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"Where's Jai, Corr and the rest?" Sean asked.

Funny that he was worried about them. I shrugged. "I'll go look for them." I had sorta been designated as a seeker for my friends.

"Wait!" Two pairs of eyes are better than one." Benjamin said hurriedly and we set off. I headed to Jai's seat, but he was missing. "Hello? Jai? Corr? Dayna? Jed?" I yelled into the emptiness.

"Jann?" a familiar voice asked timidly. "Dayna?" I called, searching high and low. "Here!" she replied. I found her crouched under a seat. She had wiggled under it. "Where are the others?" I asked. She shook her head.

"T-taken." her voice trembled.

Leaning forward, she whispered a few words to me.

Ben cursed.

"Are you sure?" I asked urgently. Dayn shook her head and collapsed. "Exhaustion. Get her back to Ekh." I ordered Ben. Shrugging he lifted Dayna and sped to Ekh.

I was left alone, with the words she'd said haunting me.

They will die.

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