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"So... what's going on between you and Jai?" Ekh asked.

I was startled.

"What? Oh. We're just friends." I said.

"Uh huh," Ekh replied, unbelieving.

"Seriously! It's not like I am in love with him. He's different. Just my trainer." I said.

Ekh glanced at me.

"Sure? Because I know someone who's crazy for you." he commented.

Now that captured my attention.

"Who?" I asked.

Ekh shrugged.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. A clue, though. Not me or Jamie." he said, downing the rest of his peppermint soda.

I found the combination of peppermint and soda gross, so I winced.

Not him or Jamie? 

Then who? Could it possibly be...

No, he has a gal. 

I shook the crazy thoughts from my head and returned to my seat.

Jurassic World time, people.

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