chapter 11

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"jo wake up stay with me girl come on fight it you cant die now you have not even lived yet" i get lifted up and when in a car or something. " d...da...da..da.daddy" i hardy whisper " babygirl i am right here" my right arm get scquezed and i know mark has not left me" "darling if you hear me move a part of your body" i try will all my might to move even a finger but nothing happened.

i tryed over and over till i lifted my pointer finger to the shy. "god is that you" i whisper" dont leave me now baby girl stay with me PLEASE STAY" i black out again and i am in the hospital bed with mark pacing back and forth. "wh..w...whe..where am i?" mark screams "SHE IS AWAKE SHE IS OK DOCTOR HURRY!" i am to weak to smile or look around but i feel free and light as a feather.

mark walk ove to me and kissed my hand. "thank god you are alive i thought i lost you but now you are here alive with me bob and wade. hey dont worry about your real dad he is going to be in jail for a long long time and what i mean is he is in there till he dies" i turn my head to mark and tryed to smile. "No thank you" i said. i see the iv is hooked up and puting more blood in me. i try to move my right arm and nothing happenes.

" mean mark why cant i move my right arm?" "your arm is in a cast because the knife sliced some of arm and then you fell on it and broke your elbow." "is my real dad in jail for life???" "yeap" "can i have drink please" "of course. the docter say you should drank gatoeade or water" "water please" mark calls in bob to get me a water. wade walks in and walks up to me with a huge panda bear and some fries. "mark told me your favorite food is fries so i bought a huge fries." "you guys know me to well thank" 

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