Chapter 3: Sasuke's Teachings

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Disclaimer: i don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto does.


                    ~Time Skip 2 years~

Chapter 3 : Sasuke's Teachings

Ayame's P.O.V.(A/N: She's four now)

I was learning so much from Nii- chan. He taught me to express my feelings. I like that feeling, to feel a bit free. It felt nice. Onii- chan taught me the physical stuff, like jutsu. I learned the Fire Style, Shadow Clone and replacement. They were too easy for me. I wish there were some harder ones.


The Hokage took notice of Ayame's potential. He saw her advance higher and higher. Watching her from his crystal ball. He decided  that he would let her into the academy.

" Kakashi, fetch me Fugaku." he said firmly.

" Yes, Lord Hokage." Kakashi replied then saluted and went on his way.

* At the Uchiha Compound *

" Onii- chan give me something harder!" Ayame whined.

" NO, Ayame! Now Why would I do that?!" Itachi said annoyed by the whinning.

The two siblings were to busy fighting to notice Sasuke watching them. Sasuke had that ' I'm guilty' face on. As much as he wanted Ayame to notice him (like Itachi), he can't help but think of the she was born.

Ayame's P.O.V.

What's wrong Sasuke? Your face is a jumbled mess of emotions.  All of these different feelings but I can mostly see guilt. What's wrong?

" ITACHI TEACH ME SOMETHING HARDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as he ran for home.


" Mr. Fugaku. I was sent here to take you to the Hokage's." Kakashi said.

" Why?" Fugaku answered.

" I don't know. He just told me to take you to his office." he repiled.

" Ok." Fugaku answered.

As he was leaving the Uchiha Compund. He saw Itachi running towards him and Ayame behind him with a mad face on. He also saw Sasuke walking briskly behind them.

" ITACHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ayame screamed. He saw the look on her face. It was deadly, and quite scary.

" Ummm, sir? What's goin' on between that girl and Itachi?" Kakashi questioned.

" I don't know, and that girl is my daughter Ayame Akira." Fugaku answered.

Ayame's P.O.V.

" Onii- chan stop!" I yelled after him.

" What?" Itachi asked.

" Who's that ninja with dad?" I asked.

" Oh, that's Kakashi. He's in an Anbu Squad with me. Why do you ask?" Itachi questioned.

" His hair is EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said enthusiastic.

- Awkward Silence- 

" I *pant* finally *pant* caught up * to you guys." Sasuke said out of breath.

" You have to be faster Sasuke." I said jokingly.

" Yeah, yeah." He replied with a silly grin.


If u liked it.





FAN!!!!!!!!!!! And if ur the 1st commenter ill dedicate the next chap 2 u! :D 

Lone  ~.^ P.S. Th pic on the side is Ayame when she was younger. Also THANK YOU FOR READING MAH STORY!!!!!!!! xD Ya'll are the best!

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