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V: ".....*looks at Rapmon. You been fuckin"
RAPMON: "BOI you know I'm not fuckin gay."
V: "'s yo bed. Soooo.."
RAPMON: "Shutcho dumbass up."
V: "RAPMONS A GAY NIGAAAAA!" *v obnoxiously laughs like a nigga.
*starts singing cupcakes song
"You betta hunp him, fuck him," *points to jungkook and says "Rapmon make you choke." *repeats but speeds it up n starts makin a beat with his foot and hands
Rapmon: *stands with straightest face ever
Jungkook: *bopping his head like he likes it
V: "You betta hump me (hump me)
Fuck me (fuck me) Rapmon make you choke *makes 3 choking sounds
Rapmon: *slaps v
"Say that shit again..n I will hump you fuck you ..and make ya ass choke. Let's go forget this happened and go watch the game."
*rapmon walk out the rooms out the room to living room and v and jungkook follow
*v mumbles under his breath
""Say that shit again" you da one on that shit probably on that 2 guys one cup shit....shiiiiit "
Rapmon: What was that ?
V: "Nothing daddyyyy ." *gives creepy rapist face
Rapmon: " Im done wit both a y'all."
*someone knocks on the door in a beat
V: "YAYYYY ITS "....

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